Thursday 18 July 2013

So I finally dug My proper camera out for our Auntie Jane

So this week I finally dug my proper camera out for our Auntie Jane and his other Aunties and for all of his friends while I wait to fix my phone here are a few photo's of Speedy and The back garden that I took one evening this week.

It was another hot day today,where we live it reached 29C which is 84F very hot for us although London was hotter!


  1. Rachel, please keep that camera handy. Those pictures are beautiful! And who is that stupendously precious bunny in that incredible garden? Can it be the Little Nephew I have been worrying about? Rachel, it is so good to see him out and about. I know you said he was, but it is so good to see him. He looks great. How do you think he is doing now? Is his pain medicine still cut back? I think he has lost a little weight. You all enjoy that garden. Thanks for the pictures, but quadrupledrupledrupledruple thanks for nursing Speedy. I hate to ask, but will the vet be seeing him again? Love, Auntie Jane

    1. Yes its Speedy,and yes his pain medicine is still cut back to one dose.but I had to phone the vet today and there is a crack in one of the lower layers of his eye,which the vet told me about but you can see it now as white line,and the ulcer will take time to heal but the treatment seems to be working and we have to carry on for another week and we have to ring the vet end of next week,we are just taking it day by day and the vet may want to see Speedy next week,so we will wait and see how it goes.As for Speedy's weight lose I have him on a diet,as he was getting too chubby it's good for him too be too chubby,xx Rachel

    2. What a lovely garden for my Speedy.
      He HAS lost a little weight. He was looking a bit like a Christmas goose there for bit. Boyfriend needs a diet,too! He is like a stuffed chicken waiting for the oven.

    3. its no good for them,too many treats!xx Rachel

    4. "crack in one of the lower layers of his eye" !!! Rachel, I can't believe this. It is too scary. I am so sorry for you and Dad and Speedy. I hate to make this about me, but I am going to need to be hospitalized myself soon. How about just a few extra treats for this little one while he is recuperating? Then, back on the diet. I want Speedy to be well!

    5. he gets his treats but the diet stays,its being done slowy as I don't want him to lose it to quickly.don't worry Jane we are doing every thing we can for Speedy,I'll send you an email later today,xx Rachel

    6. You have more willpower than I do. I see those faces look at me with longing and hope everytime I open the refrigerator and I dig around to find them a treat. Like I said, Boyfriend Bunny is a real porker now, but I just can't help giving him a treat. I should be careful. Between all his floof and now his fat, he cannot be comfortable. Yet he is the only bunny that will do binkies anymore.
      Kiss and hug and snorgle to Speedy. He sure is a gorgeous bunny!

    7. Rachel, I know you all are doing the very best that can possibly be done. It would be impossible to doubt that. I just go crazy when my bunny friends aren't well. I'll try to keep from inflicting it on you. I know it can't help to have me losing my head like this. You all be of good cheer and I will get a grip. Love, Jane

    8. Don't worry Jane,sometimes we have to let these fears out and I know you must feel helpless being over there,and I think that's probably harder than being here and having to deal with this issue because at least I am able to do something,xx Rachel
      P.s writing the email now

    9. Brandi you can do it just cut the size of the treat down first and cut back a bit on the pellets and then gradually phaze out some of the treat times you have.if you do it slowly he and the other buns won't notice or miss it and you won't feel so bad.Thats what I have been doing...Then I had to be cause Hubby keep going behind my back and giving to much till I told him of by saying he was going to make Speedy obease and give him liver disease he soon stopped then.xx Rachel

  2. Oh, and caption for the second to last photo, "Who do you think has the cutest toesies? Vote now!"

  3. We've missed you and are so happy to see your photos today! You look so happy exploring (and nomming) in your garden. :)
    We would be very happy if our hot weather was 29C (it's usually around 38 to 40C).

    1. But normally ours is about 18c,Glad to be back in the photos again,xx Speedy and mum

  4. If only it would be 84 in Texas during the summer! Well, I know that's hot for you guys. Speedy, it's always a treat to see you in your lovely garden. You definitely look happy. :)

  5. Its been 90F here! Is it very humid in England? We have over 90% humidity here so it feels like over 100F!!! Umbra is getting lots of water and frozen bottles. Hope Speedy has been keeping cool.

    Your garden is beautiful by the way!

    1. it has been a bit humid today,Speedy just flops on the cold floor in the shade or in the kitchen,xx Rachel

    2. Umbra has been awefully lazy too let her out for playtime a but she mostly has been flopped on the hardwood floor

    3. we've been letting Speedy out really early sohe's playing till luch time then he flops the rest of the day apert from a little nosy about for about 5 mins then flop again,xx Rachel

  6. Those are stunning pictures Speedy! I hope your eye is better.

    1. Thanks Brian,My is better yet but it is improving,xx SPeedy

  7. Love seeing you in your garden Speedy. Have a tremendous Thursday and stay cool.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Yay Speedy pictures! Looks like fun Speedy. It's only 89 degrees F here today. Last year at this time, it would have been way over 100 degrees. We are having a not so hot summer it seems. But I guess I shouldn't complain.

    1. we are having a hot summer for a change,xx Rachel and Speedy

  9. Love the sideways grass chomp! Hope Speedy is feeling better.

    1. I like that one too,he's feeling a bit better but its a slow process,xx Rachel

  10. We're having some real heat here too! Worse than than yours the last few days but apparently a storm is coming ot cool us down.
    Glad Speedy's enjoying it! ;)

  11. Speedy, receive my hugs and kisses!

    1. Awww thanks Marilia,I love the hugs and kisses,xx Speedy

  12. Your garden is lovely!

    Are you toasty there too? Have your human freeze some water in a milk jug and you can lean against it for some coolness! :)

    1. No but she puts Ice cube in my water bowl and I have lots of cool places to snooze when it gets to hot,xx Speedy

  13. Speedy, you "pruning" that plant or just havin' a little nibble?


  14. Wow Speedy you are big! We have only just made friends so I hadn't realised how big you are... much bigger than me!

    Your garden looks like a great place to play in, and I hope the plants are tasty.

    1. Hehehe my mummy say's I'm a big boy,I'm her biggest bunny she's had so far!my garden is fun and plenty of plants to nibble,xx Speedy

  15. oh Speedy, you look so handsome! Keep cool in this great heat, now!

    1. Oh yes early morning for having fun then find a nice cool shaded spot for snoozing when it gets to warm,xx Speedy

  16. Ooooh, lovely patio set you have there--I can see you sitting outside sipping some nice cool iced tea there while Speedy goes whizzing about. It's been in the 90s here, and we're very lucky to have the AC to keep us nice and cool. Otherwise, somebunny with his heavy coat would melt into a puddle.

    1. Speedy is only whizzing about in the mornings or later in the evening when it is cooler,but yes it is nice to be out side with out getting col,xx Rachel

  17. Lovely garden and it's soooooooo hot xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe yes it is but I am out of my den all day long coming and going from my play pen in the kitchen from 6am each day,xx Speedy

  18. you are making me think that I need to dig out my "proper camera" and stop using my phone to take photos! lol
    Hoping you get a reprieve from your hot weather. We are expecting severe storms today which should finally enable us to get rid of ours!

    1. I'm only used my proper camera cause I broke my new phone,mind you the camera is quite good on my phone as its a HD camera but I have Hd setting on my proper camera it just easier on my phone as it uploads automatically with the internet package I have on it,as for the weather its here for at least another week be fore it might drop off a little bit.xx Rachel

  19. That is HOT! Stay cool Speedy!

    Jules of Canines & Couture

  20. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BACKYARD YOU HAVE--AND SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SPEEDY! I hate to hear of his eye problem---eyes are so delicate! So needed! My prayers will be with you for a "SPEEDY" recovery!!!

    1. Aww thanks Lee from us both,xx Speedy and Rachel

  21. Great photos. At least its a bit cooler today

    1. Thanks Misaki,yes it is with a nice breeze,xx Speedy

  22. There seems to be a lot of noms in your garden =^.^=

  23. Da garden iz lubly Speedy n made even lublier by yer purresence in it!!! ;)
    It waz so hot here last week; wif dat pawfull Humedex it felt like 100 F n everyone finkz dat iz why me got sick....(me waz sick fefur it got hot...)
    Me spent a guud weekend out in Condo n eatin well n snugglin me Aunti n feelz much bettur n finkz da werst iz behind me... (shure hope so!!)
    Lub ya sweet Speddy frum Nylablue n me Mum too!!

    1. Awww thanks sweet girl,I'm glad you're getting better,xx Speedy

  24. Awesome photos! Love the quality of the pics! Sometime I get lazy, and forget to pull out my fancy Nikon D80. It's just sometimes it just way easier to grab my cellphone to take shots.

    1. I know what you mean,but I had to use my proper camera as I broke the screen on my phone but its fixed now,xx Rachel


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