Wednesday 23 October 2013

Please Keep the prayers Going for my Furiend Nylablue and Pray for our Pal Benny

Today Nylablue goes to the vets to carry on with her treatment so we ask that you keep your prayers going for her,She is still here fighting the good fight to stay with us!

And please pray for our Pal Benny from Two French Bulldogs as his last chemo shot left him poorly and he had to stay in hospital.
Benny is fighting like a Frenchie!
Lets pray for these two Fighters! xx Speedy and Rachel


  1. With all our POTP they are sure to get better Speedy xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. These illnesses and spate of deaths in the pet blogging world are really getting us down.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  3. There are so many anipals suffering at the moment :( Sending lots of purrs and prayers xox

  4. Sending purrrrrrrrsssssssssssssssssss!

  5. They are all in our thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. We sure are purring and praying for Nylablue and Mr. Benny.

  7. We are definitely keeping Nylablue, Benny and Brian in our purrayers! Get better, pals!

  8. Sending prayers. Hugs to those two.

  9. Sending prayers. Hugs to those two.

  10. Poor little friends :( Too many sick pets this week!

  11. Rough days in blogville. My good thoughts with all in need.

  12. My thoughts and prayers are with both of them. Hugs and purrs.
    Sue B
    Charlie, Cashew, Garfield, Tubby

  13. Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue here. We want to let Benny know we are praying for him & hope her will come home from the Hospital soon!!! Go Benny Go!!!
    As for Nylablue she IS STILL WITH US!!!! The Vet visit went well as we played her SEAL CD on the computer & it calmed her down some. She now weighs 8.59 lbs so has lost a bit more weight She had a Pepcid shot; Covenia shot (Antibiotic) & then a Depomedrol Steroid shot. We then gave her Mirtazipine orally to stimulate her appetite. She is eating now which is good because she has barely eaten all day.
    The Depomedrol will last 4-6 weeks. Covenia for 2 weeks. Pepcid for 4-5 days so Vet will have to come & give her more Sunday...thank you for all the prayers & support.
    Sincerely, Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too

    1. Thanks for the update on sweet Nylablue and snuggles xx Speedy and Rachel

  14. It's certainly been a bad month in Blogville, Wishing them all a speedy recovery we're thinking of them and praying.


  15. We are sending purrs and prayers for Nylablue and Benny. xx

  16. IT, you are right. It has been very tough. I think it is time for a lot of recovery, remission, turned corners, and so on. Our gang would like to thank you all for the loving care we see you giving. Be safe, be well, be blessed, love and prayers, AJ

  17. Thank you friends. My Benny might come home tomorrow if his blood is good
    Benny & Lily

  18. Keeping everything crossed for them both!

  19. Oh my heart just melted....oh dear....I hope and wish and pray for a day when NO ONE, furry or flesh, will never, never be sick again. I just can't handle the pain. Benny, QUEL AMOUR! Oh, you've got my prayers little ones....Anita

  20. Our poor friends. We don't like hearing this and we are pulling for them.

  21. Sending loud purrs for them...

    Speedy, I got the package already. Thank you! I made a post about it. =)

  22. I know you and Mum Rachel keep in touch with Nylablue, I did post her FB update on my bloggy today after Mom Linda spoke on phone with Miss Sherri-Ellen. Ps can you email her to tell her "where" you saw that mistaken comment or post about our furriend Nlyla?

    1. Hi Savvy we have already been in touch,xx Rachel

  23. Lots of prayers going out! Me-Ommmmmm

  24. Purraying for sweet Nylablue. Pawkisses.


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