Friday 11 October 2013

Tavistock's Tower of Terror! A tale to count down to Halloween!

In our local Town centre stands the remains of an old Abbey part of it the ruined Gate house still stands today with a gruesome tale of murder most foul!
Known locally as Betsy Grimbal's Tower and the tale behind it tells of  a nun called Betsy Grimbal who was Murdered most foully by a jealous Monk a nasty piece of work by all accounts her ghost is seen wondering about the tower and the Bedford hotel which stands just opposite the gate house and on the site where the Abbey stood,it has been claimed that in the early hours you can hear her dresses rustling and an eerie feeling in the reception area of the hotel,legend tells of her appearing just before a major disaster in Britain one such case cited was Aberfan!
Another version of the tale was this was the abbots lodgings and west gate house was rebuilt in the 15th century in the arch way you can see a sarcophagus which was unearthed in the 18th century when the cloisters and chapter house was demolished the ghost story is that an 18th century girl was lured to the tower by a sailor who then murdered her in the tower where she is seen today Hunting the remains of the old building.Either tale is kind of spooky!

Look out for the next Spooky tale of lady Howard's nightly ghostly Journey!

Here is a video to get you in the mood for Halloween!


  1. Wow mum wants to visit there ;-)

  2. Spooky Speedy....I have never seen a ghost but I do see dead squirrels...LOL. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. That is a spooky story Speedy!!! Can't wait to hear more stories like this one!! Oh yeah do you know that Mollie & Alfie (along with Misaki) are hosting a Halloween party? You should totally check it out on their page! Lots of hugs, Francesca

    1. Hehehe thanks Francesca,oh yes I'm taking Maddy to the ball,xx SPeedy

  4. Speedy the Spooker! You're definitely getting me in the Halloween spirit!


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  5. Speedy ain't afraid of nothin'!

    1. Suddenly, I am learning more about the UK. Brandi, Speedy is of course very brave, but he is going to have to snuggle with his AJ while she cowers in a magic closet.

    2. Hehehe what's to be afraid of!And of course I'll give you a snuggle Auntie Jane but there is nothing to be afriad of when your with me,xx Speedy

  6. Yikes! Those are some pretty spooky stories... We have a bridge not far from my house where ghost children are supposed to push you across a completely level bridge. I've been there before and it totally happened!

  7. Mommy is a wimp when it comes to spooky stories so she kinda skimmed through your post when she got a whiff that it was about something eerie. Haha. She said she'll stick to just pumpkins and candies for Halloween. :)

    1. Hehehe never mind we can be brave for her,xx Speedy

  8. Sounds very creepy and is definitely someplace we would stay away from. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Hehehe sillies there is nothing to be afraid of,xx Speedy

  9. Hoo Cat we are not skeered


  10. That sounds spooky Speedy.
    Sue B

  11. I'm hiding until it's over. (Just slide the Snickers under the closet door.)

    1. Hehehe silly RG,Theres nothing to be scared of,xx Speedy

    2. Actually, Speedy, RG does have something to be afraid of. But only if a certain Cheeky Boy will help me make off with ALL his Snickers. I bet you are going to tell me that even a pirate bunny wouldn't use his magic closets to plunder Halloween candy? I sure would like to be eating Snickers while you keep me safe from scary stuff. I am not a great cook like your Mum is. No crumble (etc.) here. I need those candy bars.

    3. Hehehe you are Cheeky Auntie Jane and you would make a fine pirate too!xx Speedy

  12. I think I skip Halloween.... Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :)

  13. Oh we love ghost stories, thanks for sharing. Maybe we can get the Mom to share some.

  14. Ooooooooooo! SIR SPOOKY! How are you my captain, my captain? Here in our city, we are going to what's called, THE HOPPY HOUR HALLOWEEN BALL where all the rabbits in the city come with costumes! YES! We have been to a few Hoppy Hour gatherings once a month at the humaine society and it is so fun to see all the bunnies socialize. This event ought to be fun and SPOOKY! teehehehehe

    1. Ooooooh that does sound fun,we don't have hoppy hour here!xx Speedy

  15. I'm a little spooked! Me-Ommmmmm
    p.s. Ku says woooooooooobooooooooo! :-)

    1. Hehehe tell Ku WooooooBoooooo too,Don't be spooked Zoe,xx Speedy

  16. Tavistock is one of mum's most favourite places! She especially loved the pannier (sp) market. Long time since she's visited there. What a spooky tale!!!

  17. Yow DAT iz spooky story...Mum sayz she wuud lub to bizit dat place n talk to da spirit of da Betsy lady!! ;)
    me iz *in da mood* now Speedy.
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen too

    1. Hehehe,that would be cool to find out what really happened,xx Speedy

  18. It's that time of the year. Love spooky stories, but i don't like ghosts.

  19. Oooooo spooky indeed! It's also quite beautiful to look at though.

  20. We are definitely in the mood now. Sppppppooooooky!

  21. LOVES IT!!! OMD, Ma LOVES all things spooky!!! Now she wants to visit and spend the night!!! Yeah, she's a weirdo.....
    Ruby ♥

  22. Eeep! Not sure I'd like to stay there, I don't know how well I can defend myself against a ghost! Something tells me nibbling won't work...

  23. Eeek Speedy that was spooky! Halloween is coming!

  24. NOT a place to go for Silfa, hey, Speedy?

  25. Oh gosh, I would love to be able to visit there for Halloween and stop by and visit Speedy and his mom too.

    1. Awww the would be Awesome Christina!xx Speedy and Rachel

  26. Hay Speedy, you never popped up in our box, we just popped by to see if you were up to anything on the off chance.. Glad we did. Now I'm scared to deaff..bawahwhahhwa xxooxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  27. OOH that is very creepy backstory! Thanks for letting meknow about this SPPOOKKYY place!


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