Wednesday 26 February 2014

Disapproving Bun Day!

Wow it come around so quick another Disapproving Bun Day!So today's star is my pal Jensen at Rabbits eat Quilts,  his wife bun was Buttercup from last week,Thanks Auntie Karen for letting us borrow the photo.
                                 " See this chair?Its All Mine Now! "

And if you need another fix of Disapproving rabbits hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

And don't forget to send in you photo's of your Disapproving Bunnies to my Mummy at [email protected]


  1. Who knew bunnies liked to sit on furniture too? Beautiful bunny!

  2. Awwwwww! So cute!!!
    Have a pawsome day!
    ((Husky hugz))

  3. Wow that rabbit is the boss of that chair!!! DO NOT sit in thst chair, folks! Teeeeeheer

  4. Yow Jensen iz one NOBUll lookin bunneh!! Bery dizapprovin butt bery handsum too....
    We lub to see all da sweet Bunnehz....
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too xoxoxo

  5. His ears look really like a crown, think that's the king of a bunnies

  6. Dear me, look at those pouty lips! Too cute!

  7. That is a very adorable bunny!!!

  8. We can see it is yours and who is boss LOL! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Thank goodness Jensen doesn't sit still for long, or no one would ever get in that chair. He definitely thinks he is the King. But he's so goofy, Buttercup just laughs at him....

  10. I love this little guy, the way he seats. He is really like a cat, a Prince.

  11. Oh yeah, no one is takin' THAT chair!! What ever you say King Bun!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Hawwwooowooo! That's wooos chair for sure:)


  13. OMD my Mommy had a bunny who looked just like Jensen, his name was Smudge. xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  14. nice two meet ewe jensen...glad ewe toll yur peepulz de chair iz YURZ !!!!

  15. Yes, I believe Jensen has made a good case for the chair now being his. You just have to admire his subtle use of logic, the intricate reasoning of a sharply honed intellect as he laid his case out, point by point. I do feel he overlooked the fact that he looks really great in his chair. Rachel, thank you for Disapproving Wednesdays, and I just have to ask...does Speedy have his own chair? Aunties want to know these things.

  16. That chair is now a Royal Bun Throne!

  17. Jensen is perfect here - I hear he disapproves of just about everything, but still has a great life!

  18. Jensen ha lovely markings :) I do hope he doesn't eat too many quilts hahaha :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  19. Wow, Jensen! It looks like it was made to be your throne!

    From that vantage point you can exude a sense of authority, and see that your commands are being done by your hoomin servants!

    You certainly look very serious, like a bunarch who is aware of his regal responsibilities. I have no doubt that your hoomins are scuttling to do your bidding! I hope that they do not give you TOO much cause for Disapproval!


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