Friday 23 May 2014

We're Home!

Just to let you know We are Home safe and Sound we decided to come back a day early to beat the bank holiday traffic.Here's a photo of my last day out side on holiday.
We will be stopping by to say hello to you all over the weekend.And we thank you for you love and kindness for Megan and Maddy over the last few day's you are all awesome friends,xx Speedy and Rachel


  1. I bet you had lots of fun on your vacation, Speedy!

  2. Glad you are home safe and sound. Vacations are fun, but home is always best. Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. You look might fine in the sun Speedy!

  4. dood...glad ya hada safe trip home and a grate time....heerz two a gopher rockfish kinda week oh end ♥♥

  5. Welcome home!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. O Speedo mi man....I am so glad you and mum had a great holiday - and I thank you for sharing with me all of your adventures. I loved that old castle and the rolling green hills; I could imagine you would speed about over hill and dale if you were allowed! Look at you, so handsome, our speedy boy! XOXOX

  7. Sweet vacation photo, S. You look like you're chillin'. Welcome home.

    Love and licks,

  8. What, a vacation Speedy? Hope it was a good one. Sniff and wags from Laika and Vaks.

  9. We are so glad you all had such a brilliant vacation Speedy!
    Welcome home. Give Demon & his Human our regards!
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too xoxoxo

  10. Welcome home Speedy and glad you missed the traffic. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. I also just came back from holiday. I hope yours was a good one.

  12. Welcome Back!!

  13. SPEEDBOAT! I love, absolutely ADORE your new profile picture: Speedy the Star! My precious little friend, I LOVE YOU TOO! And to mummy : you are just the best. Thank you both for coming to spend the moment with me. Isn't that song so uplifting? To all creatures great and small, human and fuzzy - hallelujah.


  14. Wooohoooooo handsome Speedy! xoxoxoxoxox, Ku and the whole pack

  15. Oh, Sweet Speedy....we just read about your friend Maddy & her mum. We're so very sorry. : ( We hope your big fluffy heart will heal in time. Sending you lots and lots of love.
    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  16. It's great you are back. Enjoy a fabulous weekend at home, hope the sun will visit us a little too :O)

  17. Welcome back, Speedy. Hope you're okay. Pawkisses :)

  18. I'm glad to hear that you made it back safely! Very cute photo :)

  19. Welcome back home and hope to read tons of post on your newest adventures, Speedy...

    Best regards and wishing you a nice weekend to you and Rachel

    Aquileana :D

  20. Welcome home Speedy and Rachel. I am sure you had lots of fun. Can't wait to read about it. :D

    Wishing you both a lovely weekend. :D


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