Monday 2 June 2014

Mollie and Alfie Need a little Help!

My Pals Mollie and Alfie are going to do and Emergency Auction for a friend of theirs Mum of Creekhikers Mable Lou she recently crossed the rainbow bridge after being poorly But her mum has been left with a huge Vet Bill and Funeral costs $1400 and is Devastated at the loss of her Mable Lou but with this worry to it just Heart Breaking ,So Mollie and Alfie need Auction Items and help with their Auction so please hop on over to Mollie and Alfie's and see if you can help them,

And I know I am doing my Auction for Nylablue and the charities too but that will be later this month,which I will tell you the final details this week,xx Speedy


  1. Thank you so much Speedy for helping out. Bunny in a million . xxxoxxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. That is so sad about that sweet woofie.

  3. That is so kind of Mollie and Alfie. Blogville is a special place. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, this auction is so super! I'll be donating to this and I'm sure lots of other furiends will too.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  5. So sweet of you to share this! We were reading about it on their blog this morning as well!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. This is gonna be so pawsome!! Thanks for the reminder Speedy!!!
    That Mollie is a hoot!
    Ruby ♥

  7. We have shared on our google+ too. Sniff from Laika and Vaks.

  8. I hope the kitty times come.

  9. We love how Blogville comes together in such times of need. Thank you for sharing this information, Speedy.

  10. great shout-out, Speedy, many thanks. It's so sad that Mabel Lou had to go to that bridge and her mom is alone now with the huge bill.

  11. That is sad. I will go and look at the auction.

  12. Great share Speedy :) it is very sad..the guys here have done a post and have had me sewing and crafting an Auction item :) they work me hard hahaah :) hugs and love Fozziemum

  13. Extra Pawkiss for the good work, Pal :)


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