Wednesday 26 November 2014

Lots to do with the first of December coming up!

Well now is my most busiest time of got it Christmas!Mummy and me have so much to do this weekend to get ready for December 1st because that's when My annual  Christmas Countdown competition starts that's Right ....its a competition!
To enter all you have to do is email me your photo's of your Christmas Tree or Decorations with you in them Humans and Anipals ,I then post them each day finishing with the last ones on Christmas day itself and the one I like the best wins a prize and to top it all there is a 3rd place and a 2nd place as well as the 1st place!The winners get a Christmas surprise sent to them after Christmas!Closing date is Christmas Eve at midnight UK time!
So Get those trees up and Email them in to me at [email protected] cause I need some to start on December 1st!
Here is my tree from last year!


  1. Tis the season to be jolly Speedy!!! We love seeing those phots!

  2. A tree, I wants a tree like yours !!!
    Well, turns out we don't have one here so will you post a picture of yours this year and I can pretend its mine ?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Whew...we will get right on this Speedy!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. How fun, and I will do my best to enter since we are having a tree this year! Apparently, it has been a long time since my human put up a tree.

  5. Hi Speedy.... fur Some reason your posts don't seem to be coming up on my reader like they used to. Sorry, I didn't realize it until I saw your comment.
    Happy Thanksgiving... even though you folks across the pond don't actually celebrate it... so have a happy DAY at least.

  6. Hi Speedy
    This is a real good idea. I am sure that I will enjoy to see the pictures from the others.
    But I will not enter as we will not have a Christmas tree. Or perhaps just a very old and small one like last year, a "souvenir".

  7. Oohhh... Your tree last year was BEAUTIFUL.


  8. That looks like so much fun, Speedy. We have missed you, glad you're back :) Pawkisses for a Happy Evening :) <3

  9. dood...yur tree iz awesum !! N de contest sounds like a lotta fun !!! best fishes everee one...we look for werd ta seein de entreez..... { treez & kittehz ...knot a good...mix } !!!

    happee week oh end two ewe ♥♥♥

  10. Hey Speedy! We love Christmas time. I'll send you a picture of our tree whenever I can get Mom to put it up.

  11. We didn't get our photo in until the last moment last year. We are hoping to do better this year. Thanks for the reminder, Speedy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. That sounds like fun pal and we'll try to remember to do that. M said we might not be around too much this month cuz she can''t move that fast anymore and it takes her forever to get something done. But we'll see.

  13. Loved seeing last years photos. December sure is a busy month.
    Sue B

  14. That's a beautiful tree, Speedy. I'm not sure whether ours will be up in time! The Staff is so slow!! xx

  15. Will see if we can Mom to coop-er-in-gen-er-rate for us to enter!

    The Mad Scots

  16. Cool idea, S.

    Love and licks,

  17. Oh this will be fun. We'll get our picture in.

  18. Pawsome competition!!!! I don't have mine up yet, but I will soon!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. We loved this last year sweet Speedy and will be proud to join in again..of course every day seeing peeps trees was such fun :) much loves Fozziemum xxx

  20. This will be fun to enter and also to see everyone elses decorations. We have a BIG decision to make because our enormous artificial tree which was decades old is no more. We have to choose something else! There is so much to choose from! :-D

  21. How exciting ! We hope Mum won't forget to enter ! Purrs

  22. That sounds like so much fun! We can't wait to see all the great photos. You had a beautiful tree last year :)

  23. SANTA SPEEDY! And his elf mummy......

    I hope to send you a photo....though there are no pets in my home, are (stuffed pets...shhhhh) welcomed?

    You are one busy bunny, but how fun it is to scurry around in creativity! Back with a photo soon...

  24. I love the idea. I'll be sending you a pic once the Christmas tree is up. Happy Thanksgiving!

  25. That sure sounds like a fun thing to do. We will work on that. Speedy we hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  26. Oh you're right!... how time flies,huh? I will wake up the Ugly Jim and as soon as we have a decorated Ugly Jim, I will send you the pic :o) Have a super thursday, Captain Speedy!
    Easy Rider

  27. Oh boy Speedy! I will have to send mine in :) We are getting the tree up this week-end.

  28. Cool tree my friend. I can't wait to run up our tree! hehehe

    http://[email protected]

  29. You are certainly having a busy december over there, Speedy... but soon you´ll have tons of fun during Christmas... take care and behave well. Love
    Aquileana :D


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