Thursday 6 November 2014

Morongo Basin Humane Society

Speedy asked me to post this before we leave for our Vacation!

Remember when we won the award for Best Other Pet Blog in May? Well  part of winning the award meant we also had 400lbs of Only Natural Pet food to a Shelter of our choice but it had to be in the US as it couldn't be shipped to the UK.This is when I thought of Morongo Basin Humane Society and this Video is how I found out about them and with the Expat connection I knew it was meant to be.
Morongo Basin Humane Society in Joshua Tree,CA is a No Kill shelter that does some amazing work.Well they had their Delivery of only Natural Pet Canine Power food food last week
Here 3 members of Staff with some of the Delivery,I am sure that it will be put to good use!

Thank you BlogPaws!

Morongo Basin Humane Society Web Site
Morongo Basin Humane Society Facebook Page


  1. Paws up, Speedy! Have a nice vacation.

  2. Hope the fireworks were too bad last night Speedy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Aaaaw Speedy Concats and what a pawsum posty. Hope yous hav a good time at yous gwammaws house. See yous when yous get back.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. I'll bet they were thrilled to get that food too. Good job pol.

  5. That's very kind and generous, Speedy! For some reason I can't get the sound on the videos :(

  6. Oh Speedy boy, you are such a generous little bun, and I think you stumbled upon a WONDERFUL shelter - a no-kill shelter is truly a shelter from the harm out there...a place where hope and life exist! Bravo little man! And I wish mummy a lovely trip, and for you, a wonderful and safe place to play. LOVE!!!!

  7. It is always nice to see a donation come in.. warms the heart.

    Have a great vacation

  8. Whhooaa and kudos to the shelter
    Lily & Edward

  9. Have a lovely vacation, Speedy :)

  10. Love and appreciation to all the wonderful people who help our anipals. Have a good holiday/Vacation Speedy.

  11. That was generous of you to have the food sent to the shelter Speedy. Enjoy your holiday.

  12. Speddy ya n Miss rachel are da bery best fer helpin out dat resckue in da USA!! Dat iz what we lubz 'bout da bloggie werld: we nose no bordurz!!! We stick together thru thick n thin...
    WE nose Morongo Basin Resckue are bery happy tonite!
    We also wishez yer pawentz are guud bacashun n come home soon to Speedy ;)
    ***nose kissez*** Nylablue n Mum x0x0x0

  13. Speedy! How wonderful the work yous done! You are one special bunny!

  14. Hope you have a great time :)
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. What a wonderful story about Autumn and how she became Lily. I'm sure your donation of the pet food was much appreciated.

  16. That's so great Speedy! It is such a wonderful feeling to be part of the donation.

  17. Good choice Speedy.
    Have a nice vacation

  18. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a grayt donayshun!!! my mama and dada and mimmier and pippier and auntie akchooally went to morongo valley wun time tho they did not go to this shelter they went to see the meerkats at their shelter yes their is a meerkat shelter owt that way hoo noo??? i do not no eksaktly wot a meerkat is but i am gessing it is like a cat only smaller!!! ennyway enjoy yore vaykayshun and we wil see yoo soon!!! ok bye

  19. What a great choice Speedy! You are the best!

  20. Well done, I'm sure all the pups are happy and they will love Captain Speedy as much as I do. btw: I'm still so proud that you brought the trophy over the big pond YAY!

  21. Good choice. No kill shelters are the best.


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