Wednesday 21 January 2015

The 1st Disapproving Bunday of 2015 and A special Valentine

Hello welcome to Disapproving Bunday this is the first on of 2015 and as promised its with yours Truly!
                      "This is what I think of the Flashy Box!"

So this is where all you come in send in your photos of your bunnies ,friends Bunnies and my wild cousins showing their disapproval to my Mum at [email protected].

Now if you want to see more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

Now for a little romance.....I have the best Valentine to be my date this year Nellie!
We are great friend and I sent her some lovely flowers! The start of many gifts she is after all Queen Penelope,

And she sent me this perfectly wonderful Valentine card
Hopefully She will be coming to visit me and my pal Flynn in the next week !


  1. I think you seem pretty approving of that sweet date you have their Speedy ;)

  2. Good one Speedy and you are Nellie are so sweet together!

  3. Mes can't wait to see yous! And mes likes to hide from the pawpawrazzi too!

  4. We are not a fan of flashy box either
    Lily & Edward

  5. Mee new you wood bee thee ferst Dissapprovin Bunnie!! Yur thee best Speedy :)
    An wee wass just over at Queen Penelope'ss to vizit...shee iss bERRY excited to bee yur Valentine...mee hass no idea what thiss iss bout...sumfing else to leern!
    Luv 'Purrince' Siddharth Henry xxxxx

  6. Ohhh Speedy!! You are going with wonderful Miss Nellie!!!!! Yeah!!!!! That is one fierce disapproving bunny look too :)

  7. Awww so sweet!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. know we ain't no bunnies...but if myou don't like them pics, we are on your Momk we aren't sending a pic...but quit makin Speedy unhappy!

    The Mad Scots

  9. I agree with Brian, you two will be great

  10. But cats eat stinky food ....

  11. What a perfect date you have lined up! I really giggle when I see disapproving bunnies. I know we should take that look serious, but I just can't!

  12. Oh, that annoying flashy box!

    You and Nellie make great Valentines.

  13. Oh Speedy you and Nellie make a lovely couple and indeed there is romance in the air :) and you look very sweet even if mum did get the flashy box out at you :) loves Fozziemum xx

  14. You both make a lovely couple. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. Oh Speedy, what a smooth operator, a Valentines day date! I finks you and Nellie will make a very cute couple
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  16. Sweet, sweet Speedy! You are the KING of the castle, and the king of the Disapproving Buns! You have the best face and show your disapproval so well. teeeheheheeh

    And that is such a sweet way to celebrate love - love, peace and friendship between the species! Oh how it would be nice if humans could be so free and welcoming!

    MUCH LOVE you two!

  17. You and Nellie look so sweet together and the card is beautiful

  18. Speedy I hope Nellie comes over to you, she is the bestest Queen they ever had in CATnada :o)
    Easy Rider

  19. Awesome pictures and Love is in the Air - swoon! XOXO - Bacon

  20. You have a very PRETTY girrrrlfurend.... and that is a lovely thingy .

  21. speedy....dood...nellie iz de best valentine for sure !!! N we hope her CAN come vizit ewe & flynn...that wood be way awesum...nice diz a provin bunnee day buddy !! ♥♥♥

  22. You look good together, your valentine and you.

    You have such a funny face ... your winter coat is ...strange.

  23. I hope you all have an amazing visit.

  24. Nellie and Speedy in love... I can't say I disapprove of that. So cute.

    By the way, I gave you the Liebster Award on my blog today. It's a small way to say thank you for all the good advice you gave me regarding my new rabbit.

  25. Aw, this is adorable but I must say one of my boys is heartbroken. He loves Nellie too.

  26. If you had Disapproving Cats, you'd have thousands of pics of kitties disapproving of the flashy box!

    Nellie's valentine of the two of you is beautiful.

  27. You're gettin' Valentines already? MOUSES! I have SO gotta get myself a girlfriend. Then maybe I'd get some Valentines, too.


  28. Oh how romantic :) Heartshaped Pawkisses :) <3


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