Thursday 3 March 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Yippee its Movie Day and I have lots of adventures to share with you......First we have the remainder of my winter sun moors adventure then we have a garden inspection and lastly a little taster of one of my new adventures with a google memory movie clip.So get comfy with some tasty snack and enjoy the show!

If you have any problems viewing the movies just click the Youtube links to watch them there.Hope you all enjoyed the show!Tomorrow we will be announcing the winner of my ASPCA Give Away!


  1. Those are some mighty fine out n' abouts Speedy!

  2. We were kinda SCARED to go to the CEMETERY one... butt the others were Spectacular, Speedy.

  3. Thank you for all those cute movies
    Lily & Edward

  4. dood...ewe had sum seer ee uz groomin goin on in number one huh !!! ☺☺☺ N how kewl iz de visit ta de church gravez yard....ya shuld due a spooky moovee frum ther round howl o ween !!! ♥♥♥

  5. Sherbun Holmes is on the moors again.

  6. I especially liked the garden visit! Something must have been good back there!

  7. Fun movies this week, Speedy!

  8. Good morning Speedy the Star of Blogdom! HUGS TO YOU sweety!


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