Friday 22 April 2016

We Have a Winner of our ASPCA 150th Anniversary Giveaway!

Speedy's Mum here,We have a winner but it took 5 attempts to get Speedy to pick his winner he was very cheeky and just wouldn't do it...

So after all the fuss  and me umming and arring as to whether to pick for Speedy we finally Have Speedy picking his winner...

So there We have it the winner is... The Swiss Cats!!!! Congratulations!!!! can you email my mum at [email protected]?


  1. OMC ! That's pawsome ! Woohoo ! It looks like it was very hard for you to pick a winner, we're honored to have been chosen ! Thank you, Speedy ! Purrs

  2. You're a good picker Speedy! Hooray for the Swiss Cats!

  3. MOL, Speedy! First you weren't getting your treat 'til you picked... then you got some treat before you picked... I thought only we kitties knew how to do that trick! Concatulations to the Swiss Cats - and to you for making your human work for you instead of the other way around!

  4. Speedy!! You really know how to build suspense!!, though it sounds like your mum is a little inpatient with your intense consideration!!


  5. Hurrah to Pixie an Zorro!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!
    Well dun Speedy mee furend....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  6. GOODNESS! Congrats to Swiss Cats! And Speedy, I guess you were just on strike yesterday, not wanting to give of your stardom to the show! But mum got a winner out of you anyway! Thank you both for the sweet and adorable birthday greeting!


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