Thursday 3 November 2016

A Special Movie Day Post:Second Chance Dogs

Hi Everyone,today we have a special movie day post.The ASPCA asked me to share with you the trailer about Second Chance Dogs a documentary that is airing on Netflix.The documentary is about the work they do at the Rehabilitation Center at St Huberts Madison,New Jersey, which they opened in 2013.
At the Center they work on rehabilitating fearful unsocialised dogs that come from places like puppy mills or have been so badly abused and mistreated that they have become to badly traumatised to be adopted.The video below shows some of the work they do....

You can read more HERE and view the video to if you can't see it here

The Documentary Explores the work that they do in more detail and the time it takes to treat these dogs that would otherwise be euthanized...Here is the trailer for the program!

You can find out more about the work here at please visit the website to find out about this amazing work that they have been doing and I hope that you can watch the Documentary too.

Now the ASPCA have also given me a giveaway for one of you to win.The prize pack contains
·          ASPCA Canvas Tote
·          ASPCA 150 Towel
·          ASPCA Frisbee
·          ASPCA “Action” Magazine Special Commemorative Issue

To enter the giveaway just leave a comment on this blog post or the mirrored post on my Wordpress blog.Closing date is Tuesday 8th November midnight UK time.Your names will be entered and I will pick the winner which mummy will film and post on my Next Movie Day post to announce which one of you is lucky enough to win!


  1. Like people, animals respond with memory. I saw a very unsettling video yesterday of a horse who had been allowed to be an unruly colt to the point that his owner could not handle him. She took him to a specialist, but while the man was trying to work with the horse, the beast lunged and bit the man on his head, missing his eye. I had never seen such aggression in a horse, my favorite animal (next to rabbits) and it frightened me....then I remembered. This horse has been traumatized by the fear of not learning the parameters of love.

    These dear animals, thank GOODNESS someone cares and established organizations to help. Thank you Speedy and Rachel for caring.

  2. That movie looks good, I'll have to watch it on my sisters netflix.

  3. That is awesome. We need lots more caring people's
    Lily & Edward

  4. Breaks my heart and gives me a warm fuzzy at the same time.

  5. ***sighsss*** here iss thee bloggie post mee missed....
    Good luck to thee entrantss.....
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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