Tuesday 29 November 2016

Reggie the Hedgehog Up Date

Hello everyone!I just thought I would give you all an Update on Reggie the Hedgehog.....Would you believe Mummy and Daddy saw Reggie last night?Yup they saw him out of the back bedroom window having a nose about and then Run to the shed.Reggie scooted underneath to its food bowl to chow down.And the Reggie work mummy up about 3.30am rattling the side gate to grandma's.Reggie isn't allowed in there as grandma has a pond and we don't want Reggie to end up in there so the gate is blocked of each night.Anyway cause Reggie woke mummy up she popped her head out of the window with a torch and she saw Reggie scuttling off down to the BBQ,so she got to see Reggie twice.Mummy says Reggie looks in good condition,still a bit on the small side but then Reggie is young and it takes a long time for Hedgehogs to put on weight.
Reggie Definitely only like pate style cat and dog foods but duck seems to be the favourite so mummy mashes a tray of that up and splits it in to 2 bowls mixed with duck and turkey kibble and meal worms one in the greenhouse where Reggie's next box is with a bowl of water and one under the shed with a dish of water and then as an extra treat a small dish of mealworms under the BBQ.the next morning all that is left is a couple bits of the kibble in each bowl with everything else gone.
We did have a little problem with a cat coming in for a few days,it was trying to go for Reggie's food but mum put up some extra chicken wire fencing and that seems to have stopped the cat.The next project is to seen if the front garden can be Reggie proofed at night to give Reggie some extra roaming space till the spring.....we will let you know if that can be done.Sorry no photos of Reggie as it was to dark and mum forgot to grab her phone too so we will just have to leave you with one of me instead!


  1. Your human is taking such good care of Reggie!

  2. Good morning Speedy bunny! Keep your eye on Reginald....we don't want him to get hurt! YOu are a such a good friend - give him a little wink for me!

  3. I'm glad Reggie found a good place to spend the winter. Thanks for helping him.

  4. You go Reggie! Eat it all up
    Lily & Edward

  5. We're glad to read such good news from Reggie ! Paws up to your mom for helping him so well ! Purrs

  6. I am sure glad Reggie is doing okay! Nice to see you Speedy!

  7. Speedy, we are always happy to see you, but sure would like to see your guest. Thanks for keeping us posted about him. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Yur adoorabull Speedy an Aunty Rachel iss Reggie'ss 'Guardeean Angel'......
    Lotss of LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  9. You'll do! Great HHog report.

  10. That's great news about Reggie doing so well, even if it was at 3:30 a.m. We chuckled picturing your mom with a "torch"....a real flame on a stick...then we remembered you're in the U.K. and that's what you call a flashlight.

  11. Your Mum is extra-special, Speedy ... but I bet you already knew that!

  12. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay it sownds like yore hedjhog may not be as meen as the ninja hedjhogs i hav to deel with!!! i bet he duznt eeven hav a katana!!! i hope he duz wel over the winter!!! ok bye

  13. Great report. And it's good to see you too, Speedy :-)


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