Sunday 15 April 2018

Sunday Selfies and Mr Mickey Update

Wow its Sunday again and that means its time to join The Cat on My Heads Sunday Selfies Blog Hop
This one is from an adventure I had a few weeks ago to Badgers Holt,it was a bit chilly but the sun was out.I haven't had any adventures this week as Mum is still sorting family stuff out but we did get to spend a lovely day out in my garden yesterday as it was warm and sunny!

Now on to Mr Mickey the Hedgehog and a little update:
Mr Mickey has been chowing down all his dinner so mum has increased his portions now because she thinks some time in the next few weeks he will go walk about chasing the ladies, probably in the middle of May Just like Reggie did a couple of years ago.But for now Mr Mickey is enjoying living under our shed.....and yes he is definitely there ,cause mum keep hearing a funny noise that she couldn't pin point yesterday and had a look under the shed she saw his silhouette of him sleeping out of his nest and saw his spines move up and down as he was breathing.Mum reckons he must of woke up and moved out of his nest because he was a bit warm cause a few hours late when it started to cool down and the wind had picked up a bit she looked again and he had gone back in his nest again and she couldn't see him anymore.Mum also closed off his door to the green house as its getting too warm in there now and mum has started drying this years dandelions she picks for me and Mickey's poops are a bit stinky....You can imagine it gets a bit strong in the warmth of the green house.Mum is cleaning out the nest box in the green house and is going to put fresh bedding in there for the winter,so if Mickey decides to stay he can use again when we head into the autumn.So all Mickey's meals are left under the shed for him.He explores the back garden and the front garden as he leaves his little packages of his poops everywhere,we don't know if he is exploring further out of our garden but he has always been able to come and go as he pleases.So there you have it Mr Mickey is doing very well.

Me on the other hand has picked up some mites so Mum had to weigh me and get some Ivermectin from the vets to clear them out.But the good news is I have lost a littl bit of weight, I have lost 25 grams I was 3.2kg but I am now 3.175g which means 7 drops of the Ivermectin once a week for 3 weeks to clear out the Mites which are making my ears itch.Mum picked up on the mites early so they aren't to bad just really annoying but the drops are already helping so that is good and I'm not scratching so much now.....I guess its the time of year for the bugs to start coming out!


  1. Thanks for the update on Mickey, Speedy! I hope the Ivermectin gets rid of those mites quickly.

  2. HI Speedy! Sounds like a great week for Mickey, and nice that weather is there for him to go about meeting the ladies. You had a nice walk at Badgers Holt, the woods seem ever so nice in the spring light and green colours coming through. Have a great week...
    Toodle pips

  3. Oh Speedy, I am glad you are on the mend, son! We don't want mites to ruin your spring-time fun! Good to hear Mickey is doing well! Our poor creatures here are confused; spring has dumped tons and tons of snow on us and our trees are collapsing from the weight of it. Squirrels are scurrying about, not knowing what to make of this and the bunnies are eating our trees from the base! YOU LOOK FABULOUS in your blue coat!

  4. Have a great week Speedy.
    Sue B

  5. Put those mites on a diet.

  6. You look terrific Speedy and I hope those mites are gone soon. We're glad to hear that Mickey is doing well.

  7. Great selfie and thank you for the update on Mickey.XO

  8. We're glad that Mickey is doing so well ! We hope you'll get rid of those mites very soon. Purrs

  9. You look wunderfull Speedy!! Mee wishes mee could bee inn Badger Holt with you as this snow here iss crazy! An now iss freezin rain. An WP messed uppy mee Sunday selfie post an mee dee-leted it. The foto on thee bloggie hop was rite butt when you clicked on it, yesterday's blog came uppy!! PHOOEY!!! Mee goin back to bed!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx
    Pee S: Grate newss about Mickey all so!

  10. Thanks fur the update on Mickey Speedy and you look meowvelous
    Timmy and Family

  11. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm do yoo think maybe mickey is praktissing with his numchucks under the shed??? i am sorry to heer abowt the mites i hope they ar gawn soon little itchy bug things shoor can be annoying!!! ok bye

  12. We saw your update about the other hedgehog! Whoa!

    Looking good, Speedy. We hope those mites are gone soon.

  13. Mites, Speedy?! EEK! I have itchy ears a lot but it's cause I have allergies. Theres been times in the past that I've had fleas, which gave me the itchies. I hope your ears start feeling better. Has Mickey ever found his way inside your house?

  14. Hi Speedy! We just read your update about the other hedgehog! What the cat? We love your selfie, as always, you look very dapper.

  15. Sounds like word is out that you house is the place for hedgehogs to hang out.


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