Sunday 27 May 2018

Sunday Selfies

Oh yes it Sunday and that means Sunday Selfies time...

These are from another adventure this week,yes I know they aren't real selfies but I thought you'd want to see them anyway.The weather has gone a bit cloudy and thundery but its still warm so all is good.


  1. Make yourself useful-eat the weeds.

  2. Those are great and it looks like a fun time Speedy!

  3. Looks beautiful out there Speedy. Enjoy your week.
    Sue B

  4. Speedy lookss like Spring has sprung there! Grate selfiess mee furend.
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  5. Aww, you ook perfect against that backdrop of green, and white flowers.
    Toodle pips and purrs

  6. OOOOH, Speedy, your selfies this week are super awesome!

  7. Great job! It looks so pretty there.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Great selfies , Speedy! Looks like you had a fun adventure :)

  9. You look so beautiful surrounded by all that greenery, Speedy.

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. What a beautiful place to take a selfie, Speedy!

  11. Speedy! Queen Nellie says your selfie shots this week remind her of some places over the rainbow bridge, but she is so happy that you are here with your human and can let us see such beautiful places that exist here on Earth. We send you and your family love
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Mon

  12. What a beautiful area you got to explore, Speedy!

  13. looks like a lovely place for an adventure, Speedy

  14. Good morning, Speedy! These are lovely selfies and your world is most enchanting! Big hugs to you and mummy!

  15. Speedy, you always have the most beautiful scenery.

  16. You really do look as though you are enjoying yourself!!

  17. Beautiful Selfies, Speedy. The pictures look like a movie :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  18. Speedy, that is a really long tether you have your humans on. Was it hard to leash train them and walk them in the fields of grass? Tee hee hee. You make a grr-eat outdoor guide.

  19. What gorgeous scenery. The wildflowers bring out the beauty in Speedy's coat.


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