Tuesday 29 January 2019

Update on Mickey The Hedgehog

Sorry it's been a few days but Friday mummy took Mickey to the Vets for his Antibiotic injection but that morning she rang them asking if they could contact a local Hedgehog rescue to look after him as he was getting stressed with being in the cage and felt he needed expert care.So a rescue in the local city has him and he is doing very well,his snotty nose/cold has cleared up now and he is putting weight on.Mickey will be staying at the Hedgehog Rescue till the spring and they will contact us to make the arrangements for him to be released when the weather is right in the spring.Mummy phoned them today and got the good news.
Mummy has been a bit down and feeling a bit of a failure.But she is glad she made the right decision for Mickey so is not feeling so down now.So Mickey is having a holiday in the warm till the spring and we will see him then when he comes back home.


  1. dood..mum iz KNOT a fail yur...herz a heer roe ta mickey N we bet if him had a cell fone.. him wood send her a text N say sew.... 984 paws UP ta mum N dad for helpin mickey out ~ ☺☺♥♥

  2. Well, you did the right thing for sweet Mickey and he will thank you forever.

  3. Meow meow Speedy mee herd Aunty Rachel an shee DID sound down butt shee did so much fore Mickey. An she putted his well beein bee-fore her own feelinss….please tell aunty shee is a **STAR** to mee an LadyMew!
    An see how guud Mickey iss now doin...iss a win-win an hee bee back inn Soring!!!!! Sumthin wunderfull to look forwerd to!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{{hugs}}} LadyMew

  4. It's a great idea to let the experts handle it.

  5. Tell your momma not to feel bad - she made da right decision for Mickey, and that's what matters.

  6. Your human did the best she could for Mickey, and she was smart enough to know when he needed extra care from a rescue. I think that's a really good thing!

  7. Sounds like you did the right thinkg for Mickey, though you must miss having him around

  8. If not for your Mum, Mickey would probably not even be AROUND - every challenge she helped him through and if not for her taking him to the vets and him winding up at the rescue to GET WELL. It's the very best thing for him. That's because of HER....so she should be proud and happy and no doubt if Mickey could thank her he would!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam too

  9. That's great news. We are so glad Mickey is being well cared for!

  10. It's good that Mickey is doing better. And you Mum should feel like a failure. Quite the opposite - she knew that Mickey needed extra care and was smart to realize that and not too prideful to think that she could do it by herself. Your Mum gets paws up for that! Hopefully Mickey will be home soon.

  11. Awww, it is most definitely NOT a failure on your teams' part. We are glad Mickey is doing OK and will be making a release date come the nicer spring weather comes.
    Lots of purrs to you all and hope the weather picks up very soon.

  12. Charlee: "That's great news about Mickey, we're glad to hear he's doing well."
    Chaplin: "Your Mom did a great job taking care of him and knowing when he needed specialized care. We're proud to know her!"


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