Thursday 14 February 2019

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to you all!I hope you all have a day full of love and cuddles and of course treats.....hehehe
Mummy took me out for a quick adventure the other day

It was a little chilly that high up but Spring is definitely waking from her slumber.Mummy had a nice birthday and got a lovely bunch of roses from daddy and some nice card..
One of the cards is actually a Valentines card from BellaDharma and Aunty Sherri-Ellen...see the one with the Hedgehog?Then Daddy gots some plants for the garden,Some Primroses,some Tulip bulbs and some Snowdrops that were in a local farmers field that the farmer was trying to get rid of because they aren't good for the livestock so Daddy said he would bring them home for mummy and give them a good home....what a lovely Valentines present that keeps on giving!
Mummy put some of the primroses ,snowdrops and the tulip in this old antique granite pig trough that Came from Grandma's garden and the rest went in these pots...
I thought the Primroses were quite tasty so I ate some of the leaves as you can see...hehehe.Anyway Mummy is taking me out for a Valentines day outing so I must get going but before I do just a little something for our Angel Nellie Bellie.......Will you be my Heavenly Valentine?


  1. You're a very adventurous bunny, Speedy and what a lovely place for an adventure

  2. We're glad you could enjoy some nice weather with your mom ! Happy Valentine's Day ! Purrs

  3. YOU are just the most lovable you, mummy and dad, I wish a most wonderful life of love.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day from all of us Speedy!

  5. I'm soooo glad that you got the treat part in there.

  6. Hello Speedy,
    Happy Valentine day to you and your Mum.
    You had a nice "promenade". I like this place. I love rocks.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Speedy! You had a really nice outing, I see - such pretty scenery!

  8. speedy...dood...happee heartz day oh lovez frum all oh uz in de land oh trout ♥♥♥♥♥ ☺☺☺

  9. 💗Heartshaped Pawkisses for a wonderful Valentine's Day🐾😽💞

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!! And thank you again for the very sweet card!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Charlee: "Happy belated Valentine's Day to you, Speedy!"
    Chaplin: "That looks like you had quite an adventure among the stones!"


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