Sunday 28 April 2019

Sunday Selfies...a Little time for me!

Wow what a weekend last week was with it being Easter and having Tiny Tim the Baby Robin.With Tiny Tim at the Rehabbers it meant that mum was finally able to devote some quality time to me.....

We had a nice morning at the beach.We got there really early before the car park opened and left just after lunch.Then I spent all afternoon in the garden with mummy.

Mummy's second post for her new Blogging job is available to read so if you have time to take a nosy take a look here: Rabbit proofing your home and she has sent off her next to posts as well, and is just waiting for them to be published.Its all exciting times for us here.


  1. I had to laugh. I am sat here in autumn thinking, its way too cold for Speedy to be on the beach.


  2. Great to see you by the sea again, Speedy, means the warm weather is on the way. Looks like you had some fun digging too. Me, I think I am not so keen on sand that deep, though to roll in it must be quite fun—though maybe not if you have to do the vacuuming after ;)

  3. Looks like ya enjoyed your beach time!

  4. Love to see your me-time, Speedy. You look so sweet and fluffy💗Pawkisses for a Relaxed Sunday🐾😽💞

  5. Well hello there, beach bunny! How lovely that Tiny Tim is taken care of and that mum has time for you, AT THE BEACH! What a gorgeous place to be...we love watching the TV show, Escape to the Country and I think of you all when they show the beaches or countryside. I shall hop over to see mum's blog!

  6. You sure look wonderful and happy Speedy!

  7. It looks like you had a lovely time at the beach, Speedy!

  8. We are glad you and Mum had a nice day at the beach, Speedy! We'll go and read her post now.

  9. We're glad you had fun time at the beach ! Purrs

  10. Speedy! Hw wonderful to see you again. I have been missing more than I am at my own blog home. I am down to once or twice a week. You look happy to be at the beach...and you look like an armful my mom said she would love to snuggle.

  11. What a great day at the beach you two had! Sounds like y'all deserved it after all the rescuing and writing. Have a happy week!

  12. That looks like a fun day at the beach.

  13. Mr Speedy,
    Remember how much Queen Penelope loved sand and Beaches? I can see her in EVERY SINGLE one of those shots with you!
    And Mr Speedy, we loved the ecards you sent to us. Thank you!

  14. How exciting for your mum to be writing for another bloggy, too!

    Oh Speedy bun, I luv to see you in the sun. I luv to see you in the sand and I wish I could reach out and touch you with my hand... err... pawz. Kisses.

  15. Charlee: "Looks like a cozy snooze on the beach, Speedy!"
    Chaplin: "A little too close to the big water for my taste, though!"

  16. Good idea-avoid the crowd.

  17. Mew mew mew Life sure iss a BEACH Speedy!! Iss still too chilley to go to THE BEACH here! You look furabuluss Speedy....
    An Aunty Rachel yore 'paw' selfie iss cute!! You have purrty pawss…
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  18. Wow, sweet Speedy you got to go to the beach...that is cool! It is good you and your mom got to spend some nice time together and enjoy the sandy beach. Hugs and nose kisses


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