Sunday 14 July 2019

Sorry for not being around Selfies

Today is Sorry for not being around selfies....we had a bit of a problem which we needed to fix for my safety....but first lets do my Garden Selfies....

Then we had this surprise over the house Yesterday!

Now onto the problem.I don't know if you remember but back along we had a problem with rats coming into my garden from somebody else's garden,well it got a bit out of hand with them being out in the day as well which meant it wasn't safe for me to go out there and mummy got very cross about it all she ended up getting pest control out and finally it looks like they have gone.Then she said no more of them getting in again so she has wire fenced it up like fort knox to deter them from getting in....there is no food for them to be attracted to it was just a nice nest spot under the shed.The hope is that if its difficult to get in and nothing to attract them then it should put them off....we hope!


  1. I hope the rats have gone for good! They are very good at burrowing through though, so if they do come back your mum might need to bury some strong flat tin or steel around the fence. Make sure it is buried level with the grass though and they can't between it and the fence. It was the only way we could keep them out of the chicken run. Of course they knew there was food in there though.

  2. Looking good, Speedy! And those balloons over the house are so cool!

    We are glad Mummy called the pest protection folks. We hope those rats stay away from you now.

  3. Good to see you Speedy! That balloon is beautiful. Glad you are safe and sound, you have a good mama.

  4. Oh SPEEDY! I certainly hope that will have done it. What an awful thing to be deprived of your own garden.

  5. Good to see speedy and I am sorry you had trouble with the rats (Grrr) Let's hope they are gone now.

    It's good to see you and your selfies are lovely!

  6. I guess you haven't been a round because you're a square?

  7. Great selfies and we love the balloon photos. We had some nasty rats in our yard and Mom had to put out traps.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Those are great selfies Speedy! I sure am glad you are rodent free!

  9. Lulu: "Ooh, rat invaders! We have had those here. I chase them away but they come back."
    Charlee: "They're very persistent."
    Lulu: "It sounds like you should be safe and sound in your new fortress, though."
    Chaplin: "Yes, except for the aerial intruders. But those probably just have humans in them."

  10. Cute selfies, Speedy, and how fun to see those balloons! I'm glad your human got the rat problem figured out.

  11. Oh my, that is bad when they are out during the day. Thank goodness you got it sorted out. We hopes the neighbour keeps on top of it from now on.
    On the selfie side though, you look most radiant this week, veritably springing with health. Mrs H tried to stroke your ears but then thought you probably wouldnt like that ;) mol
    Purrs to you all

  12. You look very handsome there Speedy! Hope the rats don't come back

  13. Good morning Speedy! My goodness, you have had to put up with a lot! Early last winter, we too had a bit of a problem, not with rats but with mice. That was difficult to deal with! My little friend, I am glad to know you are healthy and safe otherwise. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  14. Hi Speedy! We hope those pesky rats are gone forever! Your selfies are very handosme.

  15. Speedy, I don't know about rats, but I know that mousies can be purrsistent. Dad thought he had gotten rid of them from going in the crawlspace, but they found another way to tunnel in. Maybe you could ask neighborhood pussycat furr-iend to be your bodyguard? You sure have pretty eyes. They match the colors in my house. Say, will you be taking a trip on the air balloon to come and see me in ORE Gon? I'm crossing my paws that you will! Purr purr purr.


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