Monday 12 August 2019

Time to resume this Show....with a road trip...Watch this Space!

Hi everyone ,I know we haven't been around much and that's mums fault but today is my Pops Birthday so time to wish Him a very Happy Birthday!
And to top it all we are off on a Birthday Road Trip today so watch this Space for some new Adventures.....its going to be fun!


  1. Welcome Back Speedy! Happy Birthday to your Pops and have a lovely road trip!

  2. Well then, happy birthday to Dad!!! Have fun everyone!

  3. I've been sitting here, watching that space, and nothing changes.

  4. I wanna go on your road trip too!!!!

  5. Happy birthday to your male human, Speedy!

  6. Happy Birthday to your Pop from all of us!

  7. Hope you have a great time on your road trip and Happy Birthday to your Dad!!


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