Friday 16 August 2019

The last moments of our road trip

Well yesterday was nice and we went back to Charmouth,met a nice Staffy called Tilly who was interested in me in a nice way but totally fell in love with mummy....lets just say cuddles and kisses were given but no photos taken.

We saw more Baby Bunnies at the playground and then we had a hearty breakfast before coming home this morning....

What fab place to stay!We had such a lovely stay at the George Inn at Chardstock.


  1. It looks like a cozy and lovely holiday dearest Speedy!

  2. You sure did have a big old time Speedy!

  3. No pictures for us? You gotta fix that, Speedy.

  4. It sounds like you had a nice trip!

  5. Lulu: "That looks like a fun holiday, Speedy! I have never gone on a holiday but maybe some day I will!"

  6. That does look like a nice place to take in a nap. What did they serve you furr breakfast, Speedy?


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