Sunday 18 August 2019

Sunday Selfies......At Home!

Well now that we have caught up on my Road trip this week it's time for Sunday Selfies.....
Yep Me back home in my Castle!Am I happy to be home....of course but I am happy anywhere as long as I am with Mum and Dad


  1. Sir Speedy in his castle! You are right little one; as long as you are with the ones you love, it doesn't matter where you are.

  2. That is a fine selfie Speedy. I'm glad you all had fun on your trip, but glad you're all safe at home!

  3. What a great and handsome, Speedy! Welcome home!

  4. Sir Speedy you sure have the most handsomest bunny nose! Glad you are back home in your castle all safe and sound. -Katie and the Katz.

  5. You look totally fabulous Sir Speedy!

  6. Beautiful selfie, Speedy ! Purrs

  7. Aww, those two are some of the nicest photos of you, Speedy, that I have seen. You have a really happy glow. Clearly your road trip has been fun and uplifting. As they say though, Home Sweet Home.
    And as we cats say; wherever I lay my head and paws is my home, well at least until the next meal and nap! ;)

  8. Oh Speedy, I just want to cuddle up next to you and nap. Purr purr purr.

  9. Hi Speedy! Your selfies are so handsome!

  10. OMG Speedy I'm glad you had fun! You're such a cute bunny and you deserve all the adventure you want 💞

  11. Looking sharp, Speedy! Hope you had a bunderful Sunday <3


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