Monday 23 August 2021

Monday Monday

 Its Monday and finally the rain has stopped so we went out for a little adventure before it got to warm

Which was a fine time to take a few photos of our Titch, though at 14 weeks old tomorrow she is not so titchy anymore. I weighed her on Sunday and she came in at 1.386kg. at 14 weeks she is about the same size as Speedy was at 16 weeks old.

I even had to loosen the harness around her girth a little this morning

And she is starting to get easier to take photo's of now as well

She is looking very Beautiful at 14 weeks old isn't she?


  1. You can really see her pretty coloring in these photos.

  2. You are looking great and growing big, Titch.

  3. Titch!! What a lovely young lady-bun you have become!!
    Nice to have some sunshine...we have too, but it is very hot and humid, so we all sort of hibernate in the airconditioning.

  4. titch ewe bee gorgeouz....lookin forwerd ta see ewe at 14 monthz !! :) ☺☺♥3

  5. Almost full grown at 14 weeks!

  6. You are so very pretty sweet Titch!

  7. Looking good there titch. You can be a Bun supeprmodel!

  8. Titch is growing up into a very lovely lady!

  9. Oh wow, we love these photos of Titch! She sure is growing fast. :)

  10. Titch is looking so beautiful and growing up so fast!

  11. Titch is growing to be a lovely lady-bunny.

  12. Growing into a beautiful young lady bun. But they grow up so fast. ❤🐰❤


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