Sunday 8 August 2021

Sunday Selfies With Titch

 Its been a week since we last posted but we haven't been up to much as we have had some pretty awful weather but I thought We should Get Titch to do Sunday Selfies at the very least and Fill you in on how she is doing.

She looks like the Queen of her castle sat on her box like this, and I suppose she is after all she is already in charge.

She likes to lie right by my feet for some reason and has to be touching them too. Titch will be 12 weeks old on Tuesday and she is becoming an adolescent. After getting her litter trained that has gone out of the window, her hormones are rushing around her and she is marking everywhere in her play area especially in Speedy's old tent so I had to wash it and got her a pop up cube with another tunnel to play with. Her litter tray has had to be moved to the other side of her pen because she was peeing all over her blanket and the tent. The hope is she will start using the litter box again, which she has a bit but not completely. 

She has also started building a nest in her box in her pen up stairs, she hasn't pulled her fur so thankfully no phantom pregnancy. Being female they mature about 4 weeks earlier then males so can in theory they can get pregnant at 12 weeks. but we have to wait till she is bigger before Spaying her so we just have to bare with her hormones for a couple more months at least. And hope that her behavior doesn't change to much in the mean time. I'm going to weigh her on Tuesday as she will be 12 weeks old but you can see by the bottom photo how much she has grown because My feet aren't exactly small.

She still loves to be cuddled all the time but she definitely has stroppy moments if she feels she's not getting enough attention, oh and she knows the fridge means food as she comes over when we open it....she's a smart cookie that one


  1. Oh Titch you are a sassy cutie! We love you though ❤

  2. Titch, that's such a sweet selfie and you're so darn adorable!

  3. That is a sweet selfie. Titch is a beauty. XO

  4. Thanks for the update. She sure is a cutie.

  5. Great selfie, Titch ! You're adorable ! Purrs

  6. You are so cute and getting big, Titch.

  7. I hope she settles for you. She looks a sweet (but I am guessing feisty?) little bun.

    She looks a lovely girl though.

  8. Titch is quite the little lady! We are glad she is doing well, even if she is a teenager! Just be thankful it does not last as long as it does with human kids!

  9. Twitch is so adorable, and we love her selfie. So smart to know what comes from the fridge! XO

  10. Titch is getting so big compared to when you first got her! Love her ears.

  11. Maybe she's on her soapbox because she has something important to say.

  12. Look at it this way - you only have to deal with Titch's hormones once in her life!

  13. Titch, you're getting cuter all the time ... and growing up so fast (too fast!)

    PS ... we forgot to visit last Sunday, but want to say that your close up photo and video are ADORABLE!

  14. titch ewe bee lookin gorgeouz !!!! and smart cookee ewe bet !!! de FRIDGE IZ de place ta hang round :) ♥♥♥

  15. You sure have grown a lot...those hormones are crazy for least the things they do to beasties and peeps alike, LOL!
    Nice selfie, up there on your box...the better to survey your queendom:)

  16. It's too bad they can't give her something like birth control hormones to get her natural hormones suppressed while you're waiting for her to get bigger for spaying. I guess you'll just have to suffer through the "teenage" temper tantrums.

  17. Happy 12 week birthday! Twitch is growing into a lovely ladybun. It's adorable that she wants to touch your feet.


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