Sunday 3 April 2022

The Quiet before the Storm

 Hello there everybunny its time for catch up with your one and only Gossip Bunny. Its funny how the last few weeks have been busy here and this week it has been quiet on the home front. Mummy has been to work and yesterday she was busy cleaning out the shed and giving it a good tidy and rearranged some stuff. Seems daddy was moving stuff about in there and made a mess.

Last week mummy converted the shelter she made for Jack AKA Bird the Jackdaw into a new feed box for the Hedgehogs as the big one needed some repairs....which she hasn't done yet I might add! Well our Prickly friends have start using is the last couple of nights and after emptying the bowls in the blue box and left lots of calling cards in the boxes and everywhere in the garden. Some of them are also making use of the Sleeping accommodations too...looks like the hotel is full at the moment. The feed box that needs some minor repair will be converted into some sleeping accommodation as the big one by the wall has seen better days and needs replacing when its occupant Mr Hogmight has checked out.

The Birds are busy making babies so they come everyday to eat at the all you can eat bird buffet along with the two Squirrels. No new rescues thankfully to deal with so its all good on the home front!

And what have I been up to you ask ? Well not much as we have had a cold snap to remind us that Mr Winter is not quite finished with us and is sending some stormy wet and wind weather our way in the middle of this coming week.....This is the Quiet before the Storm....... Miss Spring needs to assert herself and tell Mr Winter to push off!

Now I must be off, its time for me to go off on a little adventure, but before I go if you have some wildlife gossip you would like me to share you can always drop me a line at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com
                                                        See you soon 
                                                   xoxo your one and only 
                                                        Little Miss Titch


  1. My goodness it has been busy all 'round the "rabbit hole" of late, trust you are doing your part to keep calm and order amongst all the comings and goings of the critters 'n' wildlife. Does Little Titch have a daily "to do" list we wonder ...

  2. Thank you for ctaching us up on stuff, Titch! Stay warm this week!

  3. It has also been cold here too. We hope you have a grand adventure. Lee and Phod

  4. It sounds like your human has been very busy, Titch! Stay warm!

  5. We have had our ups and downs in hte weather department, too...hopefully Spring wiill win the battle sooner than later!

    Sounds like your Mum is busy making and keeping everything good for the 'resident' creatures!

    Hope you have a fun adventure today:)

  6. Thanks for the update! Have fun on your adventure.

  7. Your mom sure helps lots of creatures out in your yard. You look so cute all tucked into your carrier. We hope you have a fun adventure.

  8. Oh my you can't shake off the touch of winter eh? This is frustrating as you must be well and truly ready for some nice weather and sunshine!

  9. It's been kinda rainy here. April showers, I guess. Cute pic of you.

  10. I'm glad that your birds are making babies. I've laid three eggs this spring and nothing. I guess because I don't have a male bird around, Rgw eggs never hatch no matter how hard i try,

  11. titch...winterz willna go a way heer either N we iz tired oh it two...

    ewe bee lookin gorgeouz and we wundered if ewe new that bunny whooz name iz easturr ? ☺☺♥♥

  12. I know what you mean about the weather, Titch. It's been giving us a beating here too!

  13. We have spring one week, then summer, then back to spring.... it's crazy. I hope you have a great adventure.


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