Monday 6 March 2023

Hello Strangers....Long Time No See!

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny with all the latest news from our neck of the woods!

Its been a while I know but do I post a blog just for the sake of it even when there is nothing much going on or do I post when I have something to share? The fact is its been quiet here with nothing much going on only when Jo the crow would turn up and well that was basically once every couple of months throughout the winter. Nothing has been open to go on adventures and well the weather hasn't been good enough to go on adventures either. Mummy had her birthday last month and had the week of but it was so cold that all she did was cut back some trees and bushes in the garden and the one day we did get to go out on an adventure she decided it was just for us so didn't take any photos. Although I did give mummy as scare when I jumped out of my carrier before mum could secure me and had to spend time trying to catch me in the carpark where we was fun though giving her the run around but mum grounded me for a while so that was not so good....sigh....

However on the gossip front at the end of January a local hedgehog woke up and moved in to one of the nest boxes in the garden... mummy said that it probably had its nest waterlogged by all the rain we had had and woke up. And came looking for food and realized there were empty warm and dry beds here to so decided to stay. Then about 2 weeks ago some of the others started turning up and looks like they have moved back in to the remaining nest boxes so Hedgehog season is now in full swing. Mummy has also started turning the heat pad down in the shed for Roddy to get her ready to go in the green house and then start her soft release....then we had another cold snap so had to pause that....can you believe we have snow forecast this week? But as soon as this cold snap is over Roddy's Acclimatizing will continue ready for her to go in the green house, Mummy said hopefully she can get her of the heat pad next week and then move her to the greenhouse...fingers and paws crossed here for that!

And last week Jo the crow turned up and then she started coming most days.... and yes it is believed that she is a girl as she has a new friend. Our friend the Veterinary nurse sent us a photo and said we can share it with you

Anyway Jo has been coming around a lot lately but not with her friend so here are some of her visits

And this was her this morning...

Who knows if she will be back later today as she was early today. But the good news is she is also growing some new feathers to replace her damaged ones and they are black adult feathers not brown like her first ones. Anyway that's all for now from my neck of the woods

xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. oh wow that are lots f news... and we are happy that jo has a friend... maybe they will be a family soon and they all will live in your garden? we hope that is not too crow-ded then LOL

  2. Hedgehogs!! Its good they are back and seem to love the hotel/hostels you provide for them.

    Hope all the wintry weather will end we are having lots of so called yo-yo weather...we think its spring, and then winter returns and so on.

    Jo, Miss Crow, well, she knows where its at, too!! Maybe she and her friend will set up housekeeping in your yard. That will be fun!

    And Titch, be nice and spare your Mum 'The Chase', that is naughty!! Hope you'll get in some fun adventures, soon.

  3. It's nice to see you sweet Titch but no more running around all on your own, that's pretty scary!

  4. You sure have a lot going on with all your hedgehogs. That wasn't nice of you to scare your mum by running around the car park though. It looks like Jo is having fun in the garden, too.

  5. We're so happy to see a post from you, Titch. Thanks for catching us up, but how scary that you went off by yourself. Please don't do that anymore. XO

  6. It's good to see that everything is going well. Not much exciting is going on here, either, but I did finally post something on my blog (it's been months). We're still having chilly weather too and we're hoping Spring weather gets here soon and stays for a while before it gets really hot.

  7. Wow! This birdy is so friendly! :)


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