Sunday 30 June 2013

A Busy week!

Well this week has been a pretty busy week here at the House of Speedy.Mum had to learn some new things and changes for her job,then there was some gardening to do as all the spring flowering stuff had finished and died back and she had some herbs to plant out as well.Mummy had a little bit of glossing to do to the door frame to the back bedroom,lots of laundry and house work.Yesterday Mummy and Daddy had a wedding to go to so a special card had to be made to and they still had to find time for me too....and I have to say Mummy and Daddy did a Stirling job of that too!
A rose
And me Playing!

And to top it all My Pal Nerissa from Nerissa's life gave me this cool new award that he has started today to celebrate 50,000 hits on his blog!Its called My Favourite Things Award!Thanks Nerissa!

The rules to accepting this award are to thank the Blogger for Giving you this award and give a link to their blog,Post the award on to your blog,Name 6 of your favourite things,and finally pass it on to as many Bloggers as you want.
So here are my 6 favourite things:
1:Wagg carrot Bakes
2:Mummy and Daddy
3:All my Blogging Pals
4:My Home!
5:My Toys
6:And Play time!
Now to Pass it on:
Brian @ Brians Home
Hutch a good life
Texas a in cat NY.
A House of Rabbits
Cat From Hell
Savannah's paw tracks
Kirby's dawg blog


  1. It's no wonder that your name is Speedy! Gosh that was quick. WOW!

    I'm super glad that you liked the award.

    And I LOVE your rose. Very pretty!


    1. Hehehe that's me Speedy by name Speedy by Nature,Thanks Nissy you're a pal,xx Speedy

  2. Congratulations Speedy! Cute pictures of you too!

  3. Beautiful flowers Speedy! Your mum sounds very very busy. It looks like you had a great time investigating under the bed though.

  4. Sounds like you had lots of fun playing Speedy. Your flowers are very pretty. Concats on your award.

  5. Wow, your mum is busy but how great that she made time for you too. You look so cute playing. Congrats on your award! Your flowers are beautiful!

    1. Thanks Annie,Mummy always makes time for me,she's great like that,xx Speedy

  6. Goodness your garden is beautiful Speedy and you are sure having some fun with that paper! Congrats on the nice award and thanks so much for sharing with us, we sure appreciate you!

    1. Thanks Brian on all counts and you're welcome Pal.xx Speedy

  7. Those flowers are pretty...and you're pretty cute too, Speedy!

  8. That's a lovely garden your mama has, Speedy--and it looks like you've been having all kinds of fun playing. Mr. Mick says he needs to stop over for a visit sometime. :)

    1. Mummy say's Thank you.Heheheand tell Mr Mick that we are due for a great adventure,xx Speedy

  9. Wow all that lovely chewy stuff and you only sniff???? We're furry impressed

    1. Yup I only chew the paper balls and my toilet roll tube,mummy would be cross other wise,xx Speedy

  10. Congratulations on your new award, Speedy!
    Felix must be part bunny. He loves wads of paper too! MOL.
    We had to smile at how Wagg Carrot Bakes came before Mommy and Daddy in your list of favorite things. :p

    1. Thanks Guys,Felix sounds a cool kitty,Hehehe Treats are always first...hehehe xx Speedy

  11. We too say congratulations on your award Speedy....well done. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. You look very handsome in your photos there, Speedy.

  13. Wow Wagg carrot bakes at the top of the list?! Well done my pal you do have great taste BOL

    1. Hehehe well treats have to come first don't they?Thanks Dalton,xx Speedy

  14. Looks like you had lots of fun playing Speedy!
    Sweet boy you are.

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Shell,hehe playing is fun!xx Speedy

  15. Wow Speedy you HAVE been busy! Listen, go over to my blog for today (Monday the 1st) ... There is a little something there for you!


    1. Hehehe Always Busy,I'll be over in a Jiffy,xx Speedy

  16. Your garden looks beautiful and big congrats on the lovely award.. Have a wonderful Monday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  17. What an amazing backyard! Speedy is one lucky rabbit! I so know what you mean by being busy! I always have something to do! The responsibilities never end!!

    Congrats for the award!! You guys deserve it! <3

    1. Thanks Francesca,You are so right there is always something,xx Rachel and Speedy

  18. Congrats on the award Speedy!!!!
    Hoping all is straightened out at work for your Mum, that is hard when Mums have to go through that!
    Your flowers are beautiful!
    Ohhhh I meant to tell you, we have 2 of your relatives hanging out in our courtyard for the past few weeks. TWO BROWN BUNNIES!!!
    They sit here like they own the place! lol
    I think of you every time I see them!

    1. Thanks Caren and Cody,Mummy say's Its sorted now,Mummy's favourite flowers are rose's.
      Hehehe We bunnies like to feel at home,xx Speedy and Rachel

  19. Did Speedy get to eat any of those pretty roses as a congrats for his award?

    1. no they aren't very good to eat,but he got a wagg carrot bake,xx Rachel

  20. Well done for the award Speedy!!! I love all the flowers!
    Love Milo :)

  21. Those are gorgeous flowers. Looks like somebody did some mighty fine gardening. Speedy, you're looking so nugget-like in some of these photos. It reminds me of Ru! ;)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  22. You are the perfect companion for those busy people - slow them down and relax them. Then .... oh, wait!

    Thanks you for that beautiful award and we will try to pass it on, but sometimes every blog we know already has it.

    1. Hehehe thanks RG and you're welcome!xx Speedy

  23. Oh Speedy, how nice from you to help your Mom with this paper stuff!
    Congrats for your award, you are a such a good bunny!

  24. Sweet Nephew, your Mum is so busy, but she still had time for you and she had time to tell me (who does nothing compared to her) to take it easy and enjoy what I did. She is amazing, that Mum of yours! And, now, Speedy, in spite of all the lovely pictures and the really cute ones of you, we need to discuss that list. Aunties? There must have been a typo? There doesn't seem to be any mention of Aunties on your list. Now is "treat" a code word for Aunties? Looking forward to how you talk your way out of this one, cheeky little Nephew. Still loving you as we cry our eyes out, Your Aunties.

    1. No tears Now Auntie Jane just wait for the next post and all will become clear...hehehe...from your mysterious Nephew,xx Speedy

  25. Your Mum may be busy but you look like your having a blast!


  26. Congrats on your award!

    Very cool pictures! You make me remember how much fun I had with my bunny when I was growing up!

  27. Hey Rachel! I'm responding to you from my blog! Yes now here in Italy it is REALLY hot, but in a months it is going to become even worst! I have been to England many times! You guys have a much cooler climate! Once I been to a place called Blackpool for vacation durring the summer. It was so cold I had to have a heavy jacket on!!!

  28. Congratulations on your award, Speedy. You seem very busy and quite industrious...maybe you can teach Bob, Huxley, CeeCee and some of their feline siblings about doing more than just lying around, sleeping & eating!

    Love your blog!

    1. Hehehe thanks Amy play time is always fun!xx Speedy

  29. Oh Speedy! What a great award yous gots! Mes LOVES that yous passed it along to mes!!!
    Thanks yous so furry much!

    1. I just had to give it to you Nellie you're one of my favourite girls,xx Speedy

  30. Thanks so much for the award speedy! And thanks for the reminder or I may have never known! Will have to do a good little shout out to you little bunbun!

  31. Congratulations! And thank you so much, Speedy! I am really sorry to be so late because it is impawtant to me to thank my good furriends for such nice attentions!
    Sending lots of purrs


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