Sunday 9 June 2013

A Speedy inspection!

Today we decided not to cut the grass in the front garden as there are lots of wild flower and a mix of Grass's in the lawn and lots of Dandi lions,it was a bit patchy where we had taken out a load of moss so I filled it in with some new grass seed....a Timothy hay mix and watered it in.We won't be cutting it with the mower until the fall as we will harvest it for Speedy...He's already been having the Dandi lion leaves and plantains it will all be done by hand so we had a mini hay field plus it means we won't disturb the wild tunnelling bees too!Here is Speedy doing an inspection of the patchy bits before seeding.


  1. Good for you. He is going to have a whole garden full of noms all summer long. Lucky ducky.

    1. Thats what we thought why waste it when it will be good for Speedy,xx Rachel

  2. Oh Speedy, my bunny is soooo jealous!

  3. Farmer Speedy, inspecting the fields!

    1. Hehehehe,and a little nibble here and there,xx Speedy

  4. WOW Speedy, you hit the grasspot jackpot!

  5. Wow, Speedy. You've got a real smorgasbord there!

  6. Me thinks Speedy is doing more than just inspecting!

  7. What a treat for the sweet Bunny Boy and for the planet. Just think of all that variety to treasure. I don't know what I would do without you, Rachel and Brandi. If Brandi hadn't told me about Fen's DR entry, I would have never known, and if Rachel hadn't told me to open the packet of pictures, I would have missed out on all this Speedy variety. He has his pastures and I have his pictures. I can only hope he is as pleased as I am. It's really a lot of additional insight into My Nephew, and I got to see him with the Tartan for the official clan of cheekiness. Thank you again, Rachel. They are treasures.

    1. You are so welcome Jane,its just a little thing but its the little things that spoil us in life,xx Rachel and Speedy

  8. Home grown grass with natural organic Speedy fertilizer. YUMMY!

  9. We think Speedy will enjoy the long grass. We have never heard of tunnelling bees. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Yes he will,Tunnelling bees are quite rare as their habitat is in decline,so we try to look after them as they nest each year in the garden,The bee's have been in our garden for about 5 years so we must be doing something right for them to stay,xx Speedy's mum

  10. What a great idea! Speedy you can hop on over here where there is TONS of grass and dandelions if you like ;)

  11. You have a fantastic garden Speedy, so much fun exploring :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  12. Speedy with a bunny rabbit around, who needs a lawn mower?

  13. Look at that adorable white little ball of nugget. haha Inspect away, Speedy!


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  14. Speedy how lucky you are I should nudge my Mom to help farm some nip here after all fresh grown is the best and you look so cool looking afer your crop.

  15. That is one lucky rabbit!! =)

    1. one Spoilt Rabbit Hahaha but I wouldn't have it any other way,xx Rachel

  16. Looks like you have an all you can eat buffet in your garden:-)

  17. Replies
    1. hehehe some times,some times I just nibble the plants down,xx Speedy

  18. Hi Speedy, my name's Cocoa! I'm a guinea pig. I saw your comment on Molly the Wally's bacon post - it began exactly the same as mine: "I'm a veggie-eater..." so I just had to come and say hello! Nice to have a fellow toothy friend around!

    1. Thanks Cocoa for popping round I have already been over to say hi,nice to have another piggy friend....hehehe piggies just know how to have fun!xx Speedy

  19. can't wait to see how it turns out! I'm thinking I'd like to grow my own hay one day

    1. I'll take some photo's today to show the Progress and I will do regular updates,its not a huge lawn but what is growing is like meadow grass with the wild flower so once the filled in patches start to grow is will be perfect and each week I harvest little bits to supplement his greens,xx Rachel

  20. Speedy looks so cute there in all the long grass! We would love that too! Nom nom enjoy!

  21. Speedy, It looks like you are a great yard inspector. My goodness, you look very official. We like moss too. - DogDaz

  22. Speedy yer job as Inspecktur lookz like fun!! Me finkz yer doin a grreat job dere!! Do ya nose here in Canada Dandelionz are called WEEDZ??? Impawsibble me sayz as dey are so purrty!!! N me bunneh furendz here LUB dem in salaad!!!!
    Hope dere are enuff 'nomz' fer da whole Summer dere! ;)
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xo

    1. hehehe thats what dandelions are called here too but they make great nommies,xx Speedy


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