Monday 10 June 2013

New Auction to help the Anipals in the tornado hit Oklahoma!

Mollie and Alfie from Mollie's country kitchen And dachsieswithmoxie Are holding an Auction to help the anipals in Tornado hit Oklahoma And we have another personalised Speedy card up for grabs in the Auction starting bid $5 so pop over to Dashsies with Moxie to place you bid and see all the other great goodies up for Auction!


  1. Such a nice Speedy you are to help!

  2. So nice of you to donate your lovely card Speedy!

  3. You're so generous to donate another one of your beautiful Speedy card. We love the ones we have. :)

    1. Awww thanks guys just trying to help,xx Speedy

  4. It's going fandaddiedozie Speedy, lot's of wonga is being raised xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. We will be donating as we are not sure is willing to post abroad. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Thanks to your sweet visits and coments!
    We love you!

  7. Wow this is a great! This is such a great idea!

    1. Awwww thanks Francesca and Joker,xx Speedy and Rachel

  8. This brought tears to my eyes, Speedy and Mum. There are a lot of homeless, lost buddies and beloved companions out there. Sad to see all the livestock that was lost. There are people who's job it is to find injured and suffering livestock after tornados and put them down humanely. It sounds harsh, but a bullet to the brain is the safest, quickest way to end a large animal's suffering. I am guessing that person would be from the Department of Agriculture. I am not sure. But I know it is a hard job to do, the poor creatures.
    My son works at Remington Park here in Oklahoma City, and during racing season, not just a few horses have to be shot due to injuries. That is cruel. How can you raise a beautiful animal up just to make them race so you can make money? What a waste of life.
    But a tornado is a different kind of beast than man.
    Thank you guys for your time and resources to help out the fur babies that can't help themselves!

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Brandi,we just wanted to help,xx Speedy

    2. Yes, thank you for helping the fur babies, Speedy. You are the Nephew! AJ

    3. Awww thanks Auntie Jane*Speedy shuffles paws a little shy*xx Speedy

    4. You are the sweetest nephew in the world, Speedy. I wish I could see the little shuffle and watch those little cheeks turn pink. I am sorry about the weather keeping you indoors. I hope it served some good purpose, not just keeping you out of the garden. Fen has been wondering if it is easier to be cheeky inside or outside. Now he's gotten me wondering about it, too. I mean, I can think of a lot of pros and cons for either place. We aren't asking for any true confessions here...just wondering, just wondering...Love, Kisses, and Snuggles, Little Bunny Boy, AJ

    5. Hahaha he's aways cheeky Jane only yesterday I was vacuming the floor down stairs in the kitchen through the passage in to the lounge an Speedy was watching and waiting and as soon as my back was turned he was off straight up stair for a nosy about,I finished with the hover and went to put it away when I realized Speedy was gone I had to shout up stairs to his dad to see if he was up there and he was having fun running about,which was fine as since the holiday he has been much better about not eating the carpet so we can trust him a bit more now,xx Rachel

    6. My Baby Nephew has out grown chewing on the carpets. They grow up so fast. (sniffle, sniffle) I guess soon he'll be too grown up and sophisticated to care about his old auntie. (sniffle, sniffle) I am going to go cry myself to sleep now.

    7. Awww Auntie Jane,don't cry I'll always be your baby Nephew....hehehe any way you don't need to worry to much about me being grown up to much as where would the fun and cheekiness be in that?And I am a cheeky house bunny after all!and its kinda fun being able to sneak up stairs when mummy isn't looking and know she isn't going to come looking for me straight away then I get to play with my toys under the bed and I get to play with out being hovered over to much to...its just so much fun even if mummy comes looking for me eventually!So dry your tears cause the cheeky stuff is more fun with you around,xxxx and more kisses xxxxx Speedy

    8. Oh, My Baby Boy Nephew is back! You make a fine argument there, Speedy. Cheekiness Forever! ( Note to self: Get banner made.). Speedy, I didn't want to just come out and say it, because you know who could be right there, but I did think sneaking by you know who had to be really thrilling, and now that you have described in detail it's delights, well, I am proud of you ( not every bunny could do that) and heartened that the cheekiness is still there. Love you and thanks for caring, AJ

    9. Hehehe it was fun Auntie Jane,xxx Speedy

  9. Awww, this is so nice of you, Speedy. What a great idea. They need a lot of help right now.


    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. Aww thanks Jules,you are so right they do need help!xx Speedy

  10. Thank you for your fabulous donation!


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