Thursday 26 September 2013

Remember me Thursday and Light a Candle!

                                 Remember Me Thursday and light a candle
Today is an important day,today we remember all those pets that don't get a chance to find their forever home that they deserve,and get euthanised each year because they are unwanted!So light a candle for them today by lighting a virtual one in the link above.


  1. This is just wonderful Speedy :) Will light a candle xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. My heart just breaks sir Speedy, for the thousands of pets of all sizes and sorts who never get a chance to have the love that you obviously have. It just breaks my heart. Hugs to you Speedy Bunny! Anita

  3. We so pray that all those in need of forever homes find one, Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. My heart is with all the pets who never found a forever home, not just the cats and dogs that got euthanized for lack of being loved, but also the many rabbits etc that never get adopted.

  5. Very sad Speedy. I hope more animals can find good homes sooner...

  6. Thank you Speedy. I'm doing my candle lighting at noon on my page. It takes all of us to do our part. My little heart just breaks for those that didn't find the love that some of us did. XOXO - Bacon

  7. Hoping with all my heart that lots of pets find a forever home today (and every day). <3 <3 <3

  8. Our heart breaks for those that never found their forever home, those abused and those that weren't loved...

  9. Oh speedy what a wonderful post. Yes let's light a candle for all the lost souls. Just look to Romania and what happens to the dogs.
    Do you know Ghandhis quote "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."? It's one of my favourite quotes.

  10. It's so important to light a candle for all who need help. You are really a friend, Speedy.

  11. It is a sad but important day indeed. We've already lit a candle and spread the word.

  12. :( Ugh. It just breaks my heart to think about all of these animals who have lost their lives prematurely. Good post, Speedy.

    Jules of Canines & Couture

  13. I lit a candle to remember them. So sad that not all get forever homes.
    Sue B

  14. We will remember and fight for them every single day.

  15. It's so important to remember yet so very sad. Thanks, Speedy.

  16. so sad to think of all those abandoned pets...

  17. We are seeing this a day late but we did light a candle for such a good reason!

  18. Bunnies are left all the time in shelters...I will light a candle just for the bunnies Speedy lest they be forgotten...paw hugs, Savannah

  19. Just for you my furriend, paw hugs, Savannah

  20. We lit a candle in memory of me Aunti Mingflower befur me who waz a puppy mill kitteh dat Mum rescued. Dere are so many Mum cuud not rescue n she wishez she cuud have.....
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xo


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