Thursday 26 September 2013

Some more awards from my pals!And some very Important Mail!

From Nellie at Cat from Hell gave me this award,which was real nice of her,She is one of my very best girl buddies,Now this award is about giving from boys to girls and girls to boys if you get my drift.You have to display the award on your blog and say thank you and link back to the girl or boy who gave it to you and then pass it on to at least one or more girl or boy pal,in my case girl pals.So here are the girl pals I shall pass it on to!
1:Anita at Castles Crowns and Cottages
2:Maddy at Me&Me(gan)
3:Nylablue at Nylablue and Sherri-Ellen
4:Sushi at Sushi' Diary
5:Swami Zoe
7:Daisy and Cress the Guinea Pig Sisters
8:Freya at Catflap Cavalier

Then I was given the Team member leadership award from the Kitties at The Cat on my Head,so with this award I have to thank and link back to those that gave it to me,and then give it to 14 other bloggers.
Thank you to all the Kitties at The Cat on my Head,I do appreciate you all thinking of me.And now to my new nominees.
1: Binkybunnyhouse              5: Furries of Whisppy      9: Leo Land SV                 
2: CATachresis                     6: Hutch a Goodlife       10: My Mini Pet Pig
3: Ruby the Airedale Pup      7: Joker and I                11: Bug and Spider Vs. The Evil Bunny Tetrarchy
4: Easyweimaraner                8: kirbys dawg blog       12: Alasandra,The Cats & Dogs
13: Zen of Bun                    14:Just so Squeeable
Phew that was hard to choose!
and Now to leave you with a little bit of ME!

And Some Snail Mail!
A letter from Xeti and her Mum in Spain at Rinrinflu

And this from HRH Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge,a thank you card from them to us all for the card Mummy made and sent with well wishes from all of you and us.


  1. Oooh Speedy first of all congrats on your awards and THANK YOU for passing on that award to us! We did receive it a little while back but it is always an honor to be considered for an award - thank you! We love those pictures of you, you're always so cute. How neat to get all that mail!

    1. Hehehe you are a great pal,just spreading the love,xx Speedy

  2. OMD Speedy you got ROYAL MAIL. Pawsome pal. Congratulations on your awards. Well deserved. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Awh Speedy! Congratulations on your awards! & thank you so much for thinking of us :)) Oggie sends lots of manly kisses to both you and your mummy xx

  4. Awh Speedy! Congratulations on all your awards! & thank you so much for thinking of us! :)) Oggie sends lots of manly kisses to you and your mummy xx

  5. Speedy, conga rats on your awards, buddy!! And thank you for passing the Team one on to me :))) I have received it already, but am honourified you gave it to me as well :))) How super to get one from Wills and Kate. They've just left our island now, so won't have any more chances of bumping into Kate in Waitrose!! lol have a great weekend xx

    1. its a busy time for them now I'm sure you will all miss them on the island.and you're welcome Austin,xx Speedy

  6. Congrats on your awards. How exciting you got some royal mail.
    Sue B

  7. Oh Speedy! Thank you so much for the award!You are so sweet and kind! xoxoxoxo,

  8. oh how great to get those awards...and also your wonderful mail! Pawsome!

  9. Speedy! Concatulations for all the awards and letters!
    Yous is one popular bunny!

  10. Concats on your Opposites Attract Award. We think that is a super cool one. Fun…snail mail from Spain. We love making friends from all over the world. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Speedy. Famous. Of Course.

    1. Hehehe nah not really just with you guys in the blogging world and then only a little bit,xx Speedy

  12. Aww how sweet! And royal! Sorry I have not been on here the last week or so have been and still am pretty sick. Thankyou so much for the award speedy, I will put it up in my next post in a lovely shout out! :) xoxoxo leah and kirby

    1. Aww thanks Leah and Kirby,get well soon my friends,xx Speedy and Rachel

  13. aWW MAIL FOR SPEEDY, and royal mail at that! Sorry I haven't been round to pop over in a week or so been really sick! Thanks sooooo much for the award,will be doing a shoutout about it soon! :)

  14. Dang Speedy, I know I was here and left a comment but it disappeared. Congrats on the very nice awards!!!

    1. Hehehe Its the blogger Gremlins at work again,hehe Thanks Brian,xx Speedy

  15. Really? You got a letter from the Prince? COOL!

  16. Conbunnylation to your awards! And many thanks for nominating me!!! That was nice to get a card back from HRH. I wrote a x-mas card to HRM and the Corgies, guess what I got back?

    1. Maybe the Corgies had eaten the card?thanks Easy,xx Speedy

  17. congratulations and your mail totally rocks!!

  18. Yow iz so bery bery sowwy me not nose ya gave us an award...PHANK YA so much fer finkin of me. Me just read 'bout da award on Nellie's blog n me waz gonna poach it n send it to ya. ;)
    Mum saved da Award n she will add it to me AWARDZ page n me will get her to do a bloggie soon. Diz made me day!! Ya iz da sweetest bunneh in da werld n me can call ya FUREND.....
    Much Lub frum Nylablue n me slo-as-a-turtle Mum xo

    1. Thats ok I have gotten round to tellling everybody yet,xx Speedy

  19. Congrats on your awards. And the amazing post too!

  20. Hey speedy those are some nice awards my pal.
    Wow a letter from HRH MEOW

  21. OMD Speedy, I came over and congratulated you and said you might be invited for tea with the royals but my comments disappeared.. WHO'Z nicking my comment'z BOL xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. I know Mollie I even answered it too,Grrrr Gremlins in the works!hehehe never mind,xx Speedy

  22. Thanks you for the the Team member leadership award , we really appreciate you thinking of us.

  23. Thanks you for the the Team member leadership award , we really appreciates you thinking of us.


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