Wednesday 8 July 2015

Disapproving Bun Day

This weeks Disapproving Bun Day has to be my old Pal Mr Mick who sadly crossed the rainbow bridge last week.
          "Pfffft she can't even get the camera straight fo' hoomin!"


  1. Bye Mick-disapproving until the end.

  2. Ahhhh bet he was a sweet friend
    Lily & Edward

  3. Hi handsome Mick. Hope the Rainbow Bridge is treating you well.

  4. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay mick wuz a fine disapprooving bun indeed!!! i am sorry he had to go away but i am shoor their is plenty of alfalfa over the rainbo bridj for him to eet!!! ok bye

  5. It's always a great sadness when a bunny friend leaves. :'(

    I'm sure Mr. Mick had a lot of love with his hoomins.

    <3 🐰 <3

  6. Grate foto butt so-o sad Mistur Mick had to go to Pure Land Speedy!
    Hee was a fun bunnie to go xplorin with!!! ;)
    **bowss head inn reememburrance**
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  7. Oh I'm so sorry about Your good looking, well loved friend.Hugs Denise


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