Thursday 23 July 2015

Speedy's Movie Day

Hello Everyone welcome to another Movie day and before you say anything yes we missed Disapproving Bun Day Yesterday but that's because we couldn't get on the pc yesterday as the rayburn was being fixed yesterday.We will get back to that next week but for now sit back and relax and enjoy the show...don't forget your snacks now!

Hope you enjoyed the show!These are from my adventure last Saturday.


  1. I wonder how I'd feel about a horse if I met one?

  2. Well that was a GOOD SHOW! Hello there Speedster and Mummy! It's sure nice to see you again! It's always fun to follow you wherever you go, and especially where there are HORSIES!

    Have another remarkable summer day my friends.

  3. We really enjoy your little videos
    Lily & Edward

  4. You didn't do anything about that horse eating YOUR food.

  5. Great movies! Now, if only I had some popcorn!

  6. I love to watch your films Speedy!!!! Great adventure you had!

  7. We always enjoy seeing you enjoy the out n' abouts Speedy!

  8. dood !!! welcome bak, good two see ewe & yur mewvies again...N manee manee thanx for helpin basil & hiz familee &...... de hole WERLD !!!!! ♥♥♥

  9. Ooooooo! A triple feature!!! Let me go gets some poppycorn and margaritas...just a sec.....okays, I'm back...let the show begin!!.......................
    OMD! OMB!! That was FABulous Speedy!!! I could watch those all night! I loves that you hopped right up to the fence where that big doggie was and said HEY!
    You're such a STAR!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Speedy,
    Dearest! Those was wonderful! mEs LIVes them and it is so good to sees yous! Mes missed yous!

  11. Looks like a terrific adventure, Speedy. Our humans have seen two wild buns this week. One when they were on their bike and one when they were walking in the neighborhood. Thanks so much for coming by our blogoversary. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Looks like you had another fabulous adventure!

  13. Got me popcorn and sitting comfortably let the film begin young Speedy fluffy tail.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  14. Ohhh I love horses!!!! Great videos!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. Too bad you have to drag the anchor around Speedy! You could be off for grand adventure!

  16. Oh boy that's the perfect movie for the next blogville rodeo... you are much braver thn me... I always try to run away when I see that big dogs... specially when humans sit on their back :o)
    easy rider

  17. are a great hopper, Speedy. I really enjoyed the last video with the horse. I am terrified of horses. Kali has never seen one and mom is scared of them too. We think you were very brave being anywhere near the horse.



  18. Oh I think it will be Cowboy Bunny soon speedy! :-D


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