Tuesday 28 January 2020

Hello are you there?So much to catch up on!

Gosh what whirl wind of a few days....Sorry we haven't been around we had PC problems with our operating system but its all sorted now but blogging is just to much faffing when you only have a tablet or phone to use.

We have had horrid weather too over the weekend strong winds at times rain and Hailstones!And feeling ever so cold so we haven't been anywhere.Mummy is still fixing up the bathroom cause well you know the story you start a job and well you run in to problems.So I have been lounging about a bit with everything going on.

And well Hogmite left us which is fine cause he was a big boy at nearly 800g. Mum has been leaving food and water in the food station in the front garden and in the greenhouse in case Hogmite decides it's to hard out there and wants to come back.But Pup well after having her Antibiotics well she started to gain weight then we had a cold snap....which is still cold I might add and she started losing weight again so mummy decide Pup needed to be kept warm so she is in our new Hospital Hutch on a nice heat pad in the shed to keep her warm.

 And she still lost more weight so another trip to the vets yesterday.Pup has to go back today and tomorrow as they started her on a course of lung worm treatment which also treats other parasites and depending on how she responds to the injections depends on whether she needs more antibiotics or more injections.The good news is Pup did eat more last night so lets keep our fingers and paws crossed for her!


  1. we hope all the best for Pup and we will cross our paws for good results... we wait for that storm now too, it is not worse by now, but we are afraid that more will come that night...

  2. I am purring lots for Pup to get better and put on some weight!

  3. Nice to see you Speedy, those computer problems can be such a pain. We're all sending purrs to Pup, we hope all will be okay soon.

  4. Paws crossed that the meds help Pup get healthier and put on some weight.

  5. Sheesh, you did have a run of bad stuff...and its dreary weather here too.
    Please sunshine, come back for all of us!

    We hope Pup will do better and pawray that he/she will gain weight and get to be a big Hedgehog!

  6. I'd like to say we've missed you a bunch which is true. We have about five rabbit nests in our back yard so we haven't missed you as much without our local long eared friends.

  7. Thanks for the hedgehog updates, good luck to Hogmite as he goes out into the big wide world and paws crossed that Pup will grow up to be a fine hog too!

    I know what you mean too about blogging on a tablet, so much faff!

  8. de blessingz oh st francis two ewe pup; we hope ya getz well sooooper quik fast

    N wavez two ewe speedy; hope yur yeerz off two a grate start :) ♥♥♥

  9. Dr. Speedy and also Home repairs supervisor. A good job for a Sr. Bunn ...

  10. Pup seems to be progressing very slowly though. Soon I know he wil turn the corner and full speed ahead.

    Some people just ruin it for others. Good going....keep the nasty comments out.



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