Sunday 19 January 2020

Sunday Selfies with Me!

I thought it was time to get back to doing my selfies again this week, as cute as Pup our female hedgehog is this is my blog and after all it is supposed to be about Me! Well I took 2 today the first one is from this morning...I was taking it easy....
And the 2nd one is from a little outing this afternoon,we finally have some dry sunny weather....but it is oh so cold.Its frosty in the mornings till lunch time and even then in shady places the frost and ice is not melting.....
And just a little update on Pup as mum checked her weight yesterday and she has gained she is now 617g which is an increase of 17g and a full week is not over yet.Mum is keeping a close eye on Pup as its so cold at night and we really don't want Pup to go into hibernation just yet after been poorly.Mums new heat pad is on stand by and in case of emergency we have a storage box to use and Mum has a special hospital Hutch being delivered Tuesday.Mum was busy cleaning and moving stuff in the shed to make room for either the storage box or the new hutch when its delivered and she has been busy in the house decorating too....I was lucky she found time to take me out today!


  1. Gorgeous selfie, Speedy. I can empathize with having to share your blog. I'm having to share mine with the new hamsters. It's good to hear that Pup is doing so well. Your Mom is an excellent hedgehog rehabilitator.

  2. You should be able to share.

  3. Good news about Pup, we're keeping our fingers crossed and sending purrs and prayers Pup's way. You sure are fluffy beautiful today Speedy!

  4. Mum sounds busy, I hope she gets time to relax a little bit.

    Have a good week and keep putting on weight Pup!!!

  5. Good news about Pup! Your selfies are great, glad you got your blog back, Speedy.

  6. Always love seeing you sweet boy. It's so lovely of you to share your blog with Pup.

  7. You look terrific Sir Speedy! Purrs to Pup, we hope all goes well with the winter thing.

  8. Nice selfies, Speedy! Paws crossed things continue to go well with Pup.

  9. Nice selfie, Speedy! IT' so nice to see you!

  10. Bless you both. That is a very cosy selfie, I am infact quietenvious of the coat which looks like a duvet. It is very cold everywhere it seems, even inside the palace, MOL Hopefully we will get warm days soon for one and all.

  11. We are so furry happy to see you Mr Speedy! We have (finally) managed to get some time in out Mom's schedule to come and visit (and to post).
    We'll be back!


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