Sunday 5 January 2020

Sunday Selfies Announcement....My Favourite 3 from my Christmas and Holiday Countdown

We took a few days off cause mum had to work Thursday and Friday and well I also had to decide which entries were my favourite 3 in my Christmas and Holiday Countdown......So here they are!
We have Katie from Savannah's cute does she look!
We have Hailey and Zaphod from The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles with their Hanukkah themed upside down tree.
And we have Teddy bun with his little tree.....again so cute!
So there you have it my favourite 3!Mum will be contacting you all for addresses so she can send you all your little gifts from me you very own Santa Speedy!

On a sad note Mummy rescued an adult Hedgehog on Monday before New Year...
He was Very Poorly But sadly he crossed the rainbow bridge on New Years Eve.He was under stress and really didn't know what he was doing and wouldn't curl up when she picked him up,Mum rushed him to the vets and they tried to save him but it was to late.Had mummy found him sooner then maybe he could have been saved.So RIP little man sorry we could save you.

So I'm now wishing for Spring and Summer to hurry along and with that in mind here's one of me from last summer!


  1. I am sorry you lost your little friend, Mum does such a good job helping save them, please thank her for me.

    I enjoyed your pictures very much Speedy. Happy New Year!

  2. I love your winners, Speedy! I was hoping to enter, but my human never did finish with the tree, and it came down the day after Christmas. :-( That is sad about the little hoggie.

  3. We are so sorry to hear of the passing of that dear Hedgie, such a sad way to start the new year. We do love all your choices for fav selfies, especially the minature tree.
    PS Roll on summer asap.

  4. Your three favourite photos are all lovely.
    It is sad the hedgehog died, but your mum tried and that is the important thing.

  5. Oh sweet Speedy, good morning and I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Hedgehog is not longer in your garden, but he must be galavanting around the rainbow bridge in pure health because where complete love is, there is fullness of life. Be well our sweet Speedy and give Mummy a nose bump for us!

  6. I am sorry you lost that little guy. Your favorite photos are all so cute ! Purrs

  7. Those are sweet photos, congratulations to all who won! I'm so sorry to hear about the little hedgehog, your Mom is a superhero in her efforts to save those little sweeties.

  8. We're so sorry to hear about that dear hedgehog pal. Love those photos, they were all fun this year.

  9. Great photos, Speedy. We love the ones you selected. We are very sorry to hear about the hedgehog. :(

  10. First we are sorry to hear about the little hedgehog. That is very sad. We are very excited to have been one of your favourite 3 this year. It is an honour!

  11. Mee-yow wow yore top 3 picss are purrfect Speedy!!! Katie iss still with Savannah an Sage??? Mee-yow!
    An wee furry sorry 'bout littel Hedgey not makin it....Aunty Rachel you did yore best. Reememburr this OKay???
    An Speedy yore SElfie iss grate! Wee barely have snow here an so chilley....
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma
    Pee S: Aunty it was furabuluss to see you on Pee C today...mee DID see you; mee was just sorta confused where you were, mew mew mew...
    Pee S S: LadyMew iss furry happy aftur meowin with you! Thanx!!

  12. Your favorite photo choices are all wonderful. I didn't see the upside-down tree the first time it was posted so it was fun to see it today.
    Sorry about the hedgie not making it. Your Mom did what she could to help him.

  13. Speedy you are such a photogenic fella. I am so sorry about that Hedgie. I know it is hard even if he was only with you a short time.

  14. I hope that I'm not expected to perch upside down in the directionslly confused tree.

  15. Thank you for trying to save the hedgehog - he had love and that matters alot. Love your photo favorites, especially the creative upside down tree! Hoping you have a very wonderful year.
    Purrz from Katie the Mom.

  16. Sorry about the hedgehog!

    Lovely photos, Katie looks very sweet and it's always nice to see Teddy bun!

    Happy New Year!

  17. Happy New Year! Congrats to the winners of your contest!

    And we are sorry your rescued Hedgehog succumbed to his illness.

  18. We're sorry about the hedgehog. :( We hope you have a wonderful 2020, and thank you for thinking about us and sending us a card.

  19. Very nice top 3, Speedy. Love them all :) So sorry the hedgehog had to leave for Furryland, Speedy, but happy that your mom tried to help him. Fly free beautiful Soul💗💗💗 Soft Pawkisses for the occassion🐾😽💞


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