Thursday 4 November 2021

It's November 4th and Little Miss Titch say's Blog 4 Peace


Mummy said that Angel Speedy used to do a Blog 4 Peace post every year so I thought I would give it a go. We have a beautiful world from what I have seen of it so far and it would be my one wish that every body could live in harmony and peace, working together to keep our world beautiful!

                            xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. Lady missed this this year, but we know peace is important. Lee and Phod

  2. We hope Peace becomes more contageous than Covid and we hope Peace spreads everywhere quickly.

  3. You are a peace loving bunny, Titch!

    This peace blogging thing always gets me thinking of the song, Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me...

    Yes, if we all would do that, just think of how beautiful all the peacefulness would be, and instead of fearful and hateful faces, the peeps would have serene smiles. Oh I wish...I pray!I always think of the song, Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me...

  4. Beautiful sentiment and peace globe, Little Miss Titch!

  5. How can I have peace for the world when we don't have it at home?

  6. I love your peace globe, Titch! You are one smart bunny. I miss Speedy, too. But he would be soooo proud of you today. Thanks for carrying on the tradition.

    Peace to you and yours,

  7. Awesome peace globe, Titch! The world really does need more peace.

  8. Somebunny loves peace! How very cute!

  9. that's beautiful!! Cody and Dakota always participated too but I think I haven't participated since they passed. Didn't last year and couldn't get it together to do so this year (((hugs)))

  10. We need it more than ever right now,little Titch 🙏

  11. For one so young, your words are very wise. May peace always fill your home, Miss Titch.


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