Sunday 15 May 2022

Rip Jack the Jackdaw Spring of 2020 to Spring of 2022

 Our Hearts joined the Thousands for our friend Jack the Jackdaw stopped flying today and crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Jack was small for an adult Jackdaw our friend vet nurse said  and that there must have been something wrong with him that we didn't know about. He was fine and doing well but sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. our friend said she will miss him as shall we. We will miss is daily visits and his days spent with us. I am not sorry that I saved him and helped him 2 years ago when he was struggling and a newly fledged bird and probably would have died then. He had our companionship and got to have a life he wouldn't have had and new we loved him

RIP Jack the Jackdaw...Fly free over the Bridge Little Man!


  1. Oh no! We are so sorry to hear of Jack's sudden passing. Thank you for saving him, and for loving him so much.

  2. We are so sorry for your loss.

  3. We're so sorry to hear that your special Jack has gone to the Bridge.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about Jack, that's too sad.

  5. So sad. I am sorry about Jack. XO

  6. Awww I'm so sorry you guys! Thank you all so much for loving this little bird and giving him such a great life while he was here ❤

  7. I am so sorry about your loss of Jack.He sure was a character! You gave him lots of love and happiness, that is what counts, even in his short life, you made it better.

    I sent you an email with a memento in it for Jack.

  8. titch; we are truly sorry to learn about jack ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  9. This is sad. You lost a fine bird there. Fly free across the Bridge Jack.

  10. I am so sorry about Jack.

  11. So sorry about the loss of Jack, but grateful that you took care of him for some time. Fly free beautiful Soul✨ Soft Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞


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