Wednesday 2 August 2023

Where has Miss Summer gone?

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only gossip bunny with all the latest from our neck of the woods! I know it's been a few months since my last post but well things happen...

After having a promising start to summer with a lovely May and a very warm June, Miss Summer decided to take a holiday here and gave us a very wild and wet July. August is now here and well so far it's not much better, it feels like Miss Autumn has decided to stay with us! So where has Miss Summer Gone? I really don't know but she had better come back quick because we need her!

Well Following on from Mama Jet and her baby girl who was named Maddy...Mama Jet left her baby about a week after settling in back home and went back to the wild and we wish her all the best for her future journey. 

But after Mama Jet left Maddy was a bit upset and would spend time looking for her so mum would have to put her to bed in the mornings to teach her that once it was light it was time for bed and after a few days Maddy would put herself to bed. She was growing fast and putting on weight and learnt to hunt for her own food....

She got to 465g and was nearly ready for release into the wild when catastrophe hit she started losing weight and wasn't eating as much and then she started coughing and sneezing so mum and dad rushed her to the vets last week. Sadly Baby Maddy developed pneumonia. The vets did everything they could but she passed away over the weekend. We're So sad because she was doing so well and would have been released this week if she had carried on being healthy...she was so close to full freedom but sadly it wasn't meant to be...sigh... RIP Little Baby Maddy, Fly free little girl on those angel wings.

And then a friend came to visit mum in work a couple of weeks ago they had found a baby hedgehog curled up on their lawn in bad shape not knowing what to do they brought him to mum to see if she could work her magic for him. Well he had fly strike and was cold, underweight so mum rushed him straight to the vets because she knew that was what he needed and there he stayed for a week getting treatment. 

And as the hedgehog Hospitals are full mum had to pick him up and then bring him back each week for treatment. As you can see he was tiny...these were taken when Mum picked him up from the vets he had mange as well so no wonder he had fly strike. Any way Meet Louie.

Louie had his last treatment on Monday and he is doing well. He loves Mummy he climbs all over her when she cleans him out and feeds him. He also tries to latch onto her hands to suckle but so lets go when he realises that there is no milk. He's a Hungry hog and was always looking for food.

The last couple of days Louie has been sleeping a little more during the day and is putting on weight and growing fast, fingers crossed he will do well.

I also went to the vets with Louie on Monday for my wellness check and Vaccination, it was a good visit for me and mummy said I was a very good girl, very well behaved while Louie was very naughty and kept trying to go for a little adventure... Any way there is more to tell you but I shall leave that for tomorrow...So Please come back to see my adventures!

                                                      xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. Sorry Maddy had to fly away to Hedgehog heaven...
    Louie is cute!! Hope he does well!

    Glad you are doing good, too, Miss Titch. It finally cooled off to more reasonable temps in our region...though we didn't get as hot as some peeps. Thankfully...and we hope it cools off ASAP for those who are being cooked alive.

  2. We were sad to hear about little Maddy. Your Mom does such a wonderful thing helping those sweeties.

  3. We're sorry to hear about Maddy but Louie is lucky to have been handed over to your mum. She will do the best she can to help Louie get ready for release. We're glad to hear your checkup went well too. We're curious if all those hedgehog vet visits cost your parents or is it something that is covered since they are wild animals?


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