Sunday 19 January 2014

Another award from Nellie and a few other friends!

Nellie at Cat from Hell Gave me this award about a 2 weeks ago which is really cool as you all know I love Boxes.

So here is me with my Box Castle,care to join me?Thank you so much Nellie for sharing this award with me.Boxes are just so much fun!Now to the rules
1:Thanks the Blogger who gave it to you-done
2:Post the award-Done
3:Pass it on to 5 other Bloggers:
Swami Zoe
Lily at two french bulldogs
hutch a good life
Zen of Bun

And from The Cat on my Head Thank you so much my kitty friends for Passing this great award on to me,we certainly had a cracking Chrsipmouse didn't we?

Now the rules are:
1:To Qualify you have to Spread one or more of Joy, Peace, Hope, and Love
2:Any one receiving the award may pass it on to any other anipal that qualifies to rule number 1
3:There are no limits to how many you can pass it on to.
The Miraculous tail of Sir Fernly
Sushi's Diary
Ruby the Airedale Pup
Molly the Wally
Castles,Crowns and Cottages

and the excellence award from Binky at AngelsWhisper2011 Thank sweet girl for passing this award on to me.
and to pass it on to:
Loretta and she spoke to me
Your Special dog
The Misadventures of Misaki
The Cat from Hell
Bleue comme Aby

and another star to blog of the year award by Herman at Its a Wonderpurr Life thank you my friend that makes 7 stars.
And to those of you who need another Star this one is for you please come and grab it!


  1. Those are some most pawsome awards. Thanks for the shout out and link back to us. We've never seen the Excellence Award before. Must be a new one! Well, you deserve every one of them. Concats to you, Speedy. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Hooray for all of the nice awards Speedy and I hope you get some Easy in today!

  3. You are ONE POPULAR and well-loved pirate! Another award sweet boy? YAY!!!!!

    1. Hehehe thanks Auntie Anita...hehehe yup another one for you!xx Speedy

  4. Wow! That's a lot of awards, Speedy. Congratulations!

  5. Concatulations on your plethora of a-bunny-dance!!!
    And THANKS YOUS so much for thinking of mes and giving me the EXCELLENCE Award! Mes knows me is EXCELLENT and now mes can proves it!
    Kisses and head boks (and enjoy your boxes)

    1. Hehehe you are very Excellent Nellie so it was perfect for you,xx Speedy

  6. Me-Ommmm, Me-Ommmmm, Me-Ommmmmm! I wuvwuvwuv boxes! Thank you so much Speedy! xoxoxoxoxxoox, Zoe

  7. I had to come back to get another gander at that massive back of yours mi man! teehehee

  8. Speedy, no one deserves all these friends and awards as much as you and mum! I am so proud of you both and so thankful that you are my special nephew and that your mum is my good friend!

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Brandi,we love you,xx Speedy and Rachel

  9. Concatulations everyone x

  10. Wow those are some cool awards and thank you Speedy so much. We will pop ours onto todays' post and on to our awards page with pride. Have a serene Sunday and get on some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Wez gonna customize youz a huge cabinet'z for all doz award'z.. Well done'z Speedy.. you deserve'z them all buddy and more :) Wez so behind'z pozting our'z BOL xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe thanks my Blond friends...hehehe we are too a bit,xx Speedy

  12. Concatulations on your awards, Speedy!

  13. Congrats on the fab awards Speedy! And thanks so much for sharing with me:-)

    1. Hehehe you're welcome Misaki and Thanks,xx Speedy

  14. That castle is a box? A BOX? MOUSES! That's gotta be the best box ever. It looks just like a castle! I have SO gotta get me one of those. Hey Peepers! Come see this...


    PS. CONGRATULATIONS on all your awards! You deserve each and every one of 'em, for sure. purrs

    1. Hehehe I knew you would love it Nissy,thanks my friend,xx Speedy

  15. Goodness Speedy! Pawsome awards today - congratulations to you :) Your are one pawpular bunny!

  16. You really are a popular little Bunny Pirate. So many awards !
    Thank you very much for giving one to me. It's a nice one. I will put it on my blog and try to pass it. The problem is that most of my blogger friends are french. And it seems that french bloggers are not that much found of awards. I dont understand why !
    Lots of ronrons.
    Hisia the french cat

    1. Awww thanks Hisia,and you are welcome,xxx SPeedy

  17. Congrats the cutest bunny on the internet :) , and thank you for sharing it with us .

  18. WOW Speedy you cleaned up on awards! These are very nice and we hope you enjoy them all! Love that box castle too!!

  19. Congrats on all of your awards. Have a great day Speedy.
    Sue B

  20. Yow diz iz pawsum Speedy!!! Me haz not had diz award n it meenz alot ot me gettin it frum ya!!! Mum iz gonna save da awardz n do dem in one bloggie fer me.
    Lub yer castle...a King like ya deeservez onlee da BEST!!
    Lub Nylablue xxx

    1. Awww thanks Nylablue, ou're pawsome too and you deserve the best too,xx SPeedy

  21. Oh Speedy this is so hilarious you need a new hutch for all your wonderful awardies :) and thankyou so much for the beautiful award..we will get busy and make a postie for it :) Have a great time in your Castle today hugs Fozziemum xxx

    1. Hehehe I know seems to be alot of them,you're welcome,xx SPeedy

  22. Well done you!!

  23. got summink for your cabinet Bawahwhahhwha xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  24. You are in the awards this year. Hey, we hope your diet is over :-)

    1. Awww thanks guys,and nope still on going the diet,xx Speedy

  25. Speedy and Rachel, congratulations on all your awards. I am proud of the world for having such good judgement. Speedy is the picture of a new castle owner. He seems so proud. It looks like this new year is bringing you all lots of happiness , and we are hoping that it just keeps bringing more. Is it still muddy?

    1. Aww thanks Auntie Jane,we love you to bits just so you know,it is going to be a good year we just know it,and yes its still muddy,xxx Speedy and Rachel

  26. Hi Speedy. When is Pirate Day again? Curious bunnies want to know!

    1. Hmmm not till later in the year why do they want to party?well soon it will be party time tell them my gotcha is on the 3rd feb,xx Speedy

  27. A castle box suites you very much my friend! Are you planning to settle down? I hope you will still be going adventuring!
    Congratulations my friend!
    Sir. Fernly

    1. Hehehe thanks Sir Fernly,hehehe me settle down?Nah I will always be an adventure bunny my friend,xx SPeedy

  28. Yay Speedy, way to go! What a good job on all those awards. We see lots more in your future :-)

  29. Congrats on all of your awards! You are one special bunny. I absolutely love the castle! How cool is that? Your mommy must really love you :)

  30. Congrats, Speedy, on your awards! I definitely remember your box castle! :)


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