Wednesday 27 August 2014

Disapproving Bun Day plus an Announcement

Its Wednesday again so its time to get back to normal with our next Star and I say star as this week we have 3 stars Nicki is the black bun, Jinx is the brown bun and Meusel is the Lionhead

They are like the Three amigos but would you want to meet their Disapproval?

Don't forget to send you photo's of you bunnies ,friends bunnies or my wild cousins to my mummy at [email protected]

and Visit Disapproving Bun for more Bunny Disapproval

Now here is the Announcement from Summer at Sparkle The Designer Cat
I will be attending this memorial service on Friday 29th August I hope you can too!

And finally it Bacon and Fozziemum's shopping around the world
 Bottled Water - Morrison's own label 5ltr £1.10 or 2 for £1.80
Bath soap - Cussons Mild Cream 4 pk £1.00
Deodorant - Mum's Morrison pink blossom roll on £1.00 Dad's RightGuard Original £2.89
Laundry Detergent - Mum uses 2 most is done with Morrison own brand non bio 2.8kg box £3.92 and Morrison's own brand colour capsules 20 pk £ 3.27.
Random Item - Simply Nibbles Dandelion salad ,this is for me hehehe... £1.99 for a 100g bag

Well that's All Folks for today come back tomorrow to hear about my nose to nose encounter with Dartmoor Ponies!


  1. Nope. No I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to have 'em disapprovin' of me, all all.


  2. Those buns are so cute. Mom says that she'd never seen a Lionhead bun before. She says that it looks like a tuxie cat. MOL! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Rachel. Jinx is lovely ... Thus you need to explain me then what the disapproval process is ( the uglier or the prettier is there?)

    Blessings to Sparkle and all designer cats.

    And much love to you and Speedy xo, Aquileana :)

    1. Hahahaha its all in the eyes,when a bunny is cross with you you can see it,xx Rachel

  4. Those buns sure know how to do disapproving! We are definitely going to Sparkle's memorial on Friday!

    The human was at Morrisons today MOL

    1. Yes they do,great memorial for SParkle,xx Speedy

  5. The three amigos are well cute. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I will be attending this memorial too!

  7. Your friends are so cute Speedy! Especially that adorable little lionhead!

  8. No, I would not want to meet that disapproval! lol
    Definitely will be attending the memorial of lovely Sparkle.

    1. hehehe they are pretty good at it,it was a nice service,xx Speedy

  9. We hope that there will be some Transportation/LINKS up fur the memorial on Friday. Thanks fur the Heads Up on stuffs that are going on, Speedy.

  10. dood...thoz bunz look total lee diz aprovin N we canna wait ta see de poneez !!! did yur mum buy ewe one !!!

  11. Dear Speedy and mum! I am finally here. I am back to the classroom to teach and I'm unable to get to visit all day long until evening!

    Well, I certainly would NOT want to meet up with the disapproving THREE AMIGOS! YIKES! But they are so cute! I am so sorry to hear about the loss of this beautiful feline; I will try to be there on Friday.

    BIG HUGS YOU ALL! And I can't wait to see your nose-to-nose encounter with a pony my sweet boy!

    1. Aww thanks Auntie Anita,hope school whent ok,xx Speedy

  12. Those bunnies made us smile! We sure would not miss the memorial for dear Sparkle.

    1. they make me giggle,it was a great service,xxSpeedy

  13. The Three Disapprovers?!? Impossible, impossible to resist I say ;-)

  14. Oh, I loves those bunnies!!! they look like tons of fun!!!
    That commentathon is such a FABulous idea! I didn't knows Sparkle, butts I will be sure to join in! Thanks for the heads up!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. I'll be there.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Thank you so much for spreading the word about Sparkle's memorial! You guys are all so wonderful!

    1. you're welcome Summer,she was a great girl,xx Speedy

  17. Oh, I have to come back to this post later again. Granny forgets effurrything..Bacon's show and tell..I think we have a deadline here....phew..
    Well, we had a good laugh about the dissapproving clan. They're absolutely...gorgeous ;) We'll visit your furriend Sparkle tomorrow. You are a very sweet bunny, Speedy :) Pawkisses :)

  18. I like the name Meusel, it sounds super cute! How great that the random item was for you. Think your mom was the only one who picked a random item for a furkid.... shame on my staff hehehehehe

  19. Thanks for sharing about Sparkle's memorial! I'll definitely be there! xo, Destiny & Asia (

  20. Nikki, Jinx n Meusel da "Hat Trick" of Disapprovin Bunnehz.....
    Oh a "Hat Trick" iz 3 goalz in a row in Hockey what peeple play here in Canada....
    Lub Nylablue n Mum x0x0x0


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