Thursday 28 August 2014

Speedy Meets the ponies

Tuesday the rain stopped for about an hour so I got to go for a quick run....
I got up close and personal with them,even nose to nose as mummy had to gently push the ponies away from the car as one decided to try to climb on it,they all had head scratches before being pushed back from the car,I sniffed them and they sniffed me.Mummy couldn't film it all as she had me in one arm whilst dealing with the ponies with the other but this video was just after.

this was the weather we had

and then it went darker and the clouds went darker after an hour and that was when it decided to rain!


  1. That was some curious ponnies. I wonder if they had ever seen a bunnie before :-D

  2. So cute! They probably don't meet many bunnies!

  3. Watch it young Speedy, don't let them get your ice cream :-) x

  4. We thought they were Great Danes. Your harness always cracks us up
    Lily & Edward

  5. What an adventure, Speedy! Bonus is there's always plenty of grass to nom.

  6. You got to sniff a pony, wow, yous one amazing bunny.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. Those ponies REALLY did get CLOSE to you. Weren't you afraid, Speedy?

  8. You're a brave bunneh, Speedy! You do take your hoomins on some adventures, don't you?!

    I guess it's good to take the hoomins out so that they don't get bored. A stimulated hoomin is happier, more useful, and more productive! Gets those BunChores done better and quicker! :-)

    1. hehehe thanks Uncle Fleetie,its so much fun too!xx Speedy

  9. WOW Speedy, pony pals are really cool!

  10. The ponies were very curious bout you Speedy.

  11. You really are a courageous little fellow Speedy… like me.
    You go nose to nose with ponies and I do the same with deers !
    But ... I prefer my weather. Yours seems to be a little grey !

    1. Hehehehe I prefer your weather to Hisia,xx Speedy

  12. dood...sorree ya had crabby weathers but thanx for sharin yur poneez be awesum; we liked de one in de way bak that lookz gray !!! may beee mum will get ewe a poneez for Christmas !!! ♥

  13. That is so cool Speedy! And the ponies are gorgeous too. Maybe next time, one of them will give you a ride haha!

  14. Oh I just LOVE horses!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. My dear friends,

    Our weather here at this moment is exactly like this. Autumnal and shorter days, we are feeling the shift from summer to fall!

    OH SPEEDY! YOU GOT TO SEE PONIES NOSE TO NOSE!!!!!!!!!! I love them, I love rabbits, what a great way for me to wind down from a day of work to come home and visit with you. LOVE YOU ~

    1. Hehehe I knew you would love this Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  16. Good evening again dear friends! Rachel my friend, I just saw that you visited my post! And that you PAINT?????? And that you are going to one day do a book on our lovely Speedy bunny? Dear friend, never ever stop. Keep at it, never give up. I am tickled to learn that you hope to tell his story! MUCH LOVE!!!!

  17. the ponies are precious and I LOVE hearing your lovely and beautiful voice!

    1. Hahahaha thanks Caren,I think I sound like a girl and a country bumpkin,xx Rachel

  18. Those ponies are cute. You did well with them, Speedy. We hope the weather gets better.

  19. Wow, Speedy, were you frightened? They are so big. I bet that was an exciting time. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. It sounds like you had lots of fun before it began to rain, Speedy!

  21. Nice one Speedy. I have been known to chase horses much to peeps disgust. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  22. You're having a lot of adventures for a rabbit. Enjoy the weekend.

  23. Good you could meet the ponies, while the rain stopped, Speedy. They're so beautiful...well, so are you :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :)

  24. Btw, Speed-star, you have lots of guts too, to kiss them on the snout :D

  25. I had no clue that your are the pony-whisperer, Speedy hahaha. Your weather looks like ours, Probably because we were neighbors once before the water came between us :o)

  26. A bunny can have ponies for friends. ☺ Are those wild horses?

  27. How much fun to see those ponies. They sure are pretty. One looks it is going to have a baby pony any minute now. Hope you got home befrore the storms came. Happy
    Saturday to you.

    1. Hehehe you're right they did look that way,xx Speedy

  28. Speedy you are very brave!!! Those ponies are MUCH taller than you! I bet they've never seen such a spiffy house bunny!

    1. Hehehe I think you're right about that Katie,xx Speedy

  29. Thanks for visiting my blog!!..lovely rabbit blog you from me...happy sunday Ria,,x !

  30. **squeelz wif deelite**
    Such beeuteefull poniez...oh Speedy yer so lucky to bee up close n purrsonal wif dem. Me finkz dey thott ya waz a mini pony ;)
    Me iz a bit enveeuss.....
    Lub Nylablue =^,,^=


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