Friday 15 August 2014

Lets Paw it Forward and help Savannah on her New Mission!

Today I'm helping Savannah with her new Mission to find a kitty who desperately needs a new Home......
Meet Tigger,he's and adorable lap kitty who love lot of cuddles and snuggles and loving....
Can I come Home with You?
He was snatched up just in time from a kill shelter and is currently in his 6th foster home,this poor chap needs a wonderful home where he is the only cat as he is fearful of other cats.A home where he will get lots of loving cuddles and smooches and a warm lap to snuggle up on as he is that type of kitty.....
Oh more please!
and to top it all he is a very handsome fellow ,so can you help find or even give Tigger the loving forever home he deserves?To read all about Savannahs mission and how to help Click Here

We're joining the Pet Parade hosted by Rascal and Rocco,Jans Funny Farm,Bionic Basil,Barking from the Bayou,Love is Owned by a Husky!


  1. What a handsome kitty, hope he finds a forever home soon

  2. How awesome that you are helping Tigger!

  3. Good luck Tigger we hope a sofa of your own in a loving home is found soon. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Oh, sweet kitty Tigger! And all he wants is to give love. I so hope someone will adopt him.

  5. He is beautiful. We have shared.

  6. Oh Speedy my pal! You wrote a whole post for Tigger! You are the very best. We are trying to get his shelter to allow us to pay for his dental but they are resisting for some reason.

  7. Thanks for sharing, he sounds like a wonderful kitty. I hope he finds his forever home soon.

  8. Tigger looks like such a sweetheart
    Lily & Edward

  9. Tigger is a very handsome kitty. We're purring for his furrever family to see this and bring him home.

  10. Bravo Speedy, that was a terrific post for dear Tigger.

  11. Rachel, I don't suppose she could be boxed up. I will pay shipping. The true ancient Egyptian cat was a yellow cat. They loved to swim and killed snakes. The red color of the sunrise was to believed to be the blood of an evil snake who tried to stop the sun from rising but who was killed every morning by a yellow cat. Somebody give this kitty a home in honor of the immense journey that she and her kind have made step by step with our ancestors.

    1. I know Tigger is adorable Jane I would love to have him too ,but to far away,xx Rachel

  12. What a pretty kitty. I hope she finds a home soon.

  13. Ginger cats are the most popular color in shelters which should help Tigger. Black cats on the other hand languish in shelters here.

  14. My grandfather was very sure that black cats were very lucky.


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