Friday 8 August 2014

Friday TeamBlogs Challenge: The Happiest day Of my Blogging Life

Its time for this week Teamblogs Challenge in partnership with Masblogs,Each week we give each other a writing Challenge ,my challenge for him was "What thing or Activity he most always wanted to do" and the challenge he gave me was "The happiest day of my Blogging life"

Well there have been a few extra happy days we have shared with Speedy,we had his 1st Birthday,then his 1st Gotcha Day,then his 1st Blogaversary.Then there was the Pirate party to celebrate his recovery from his surgery to remove his eye that was a special day indeed.We also had the day we found out that we had been chosen as a finalist for best Other Pet Blog in the Nose to Nose awards at Blogpaws that was a fantastic day too but nothing Tops the day we found out we had won that award,when we got the email from Janet at Cat on My Head that was a day for HAPPY HOPPY BUNNY DANCING,and when you think that there where 3 other great blogs up for that award  we never thought for one moment we would be given that honour.....still have to pinch our selves to make sure its real and to this day that award is for all of us who were finalist for that award not just us and its for you who follow us,our friends every single one of you!

Here's a sneaky peek at this mornings walk!
And yesterday in the garden!


  1. Happy days for sure!!!|! That award is just beautiful too! And well deserving!
    Have a great day!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Sure was,everyday is a happy day with Speedy around,xx Rachel

  2. Once again, paws up and congratulations on your Nose-to-Nose award!

  3. Lots of special days to celebrate, yay! You totally deserved to win the award...Speedy is a superstar!! xo, Miss Destiny & Asia

  4. You have had some very much WONDERFUL thingys to celebrate. WAY to GO buddy.

  5. Something to be proud of for sure and treasured memories too. Nice one and well deserved. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I wouldn't be surprised that EVERYONE from BlogPaws fell in love with Speedy.

    1. I fell in love the first time I saw him,and he is just so cheeky and funny that you have to smile,thanks Vanessa,xx Rachel

  7. Yep, I'd say winning one of those would make my day too!

    1. that was a great day But everyday with Speedy is Ann,xx Rachel

  8. Indeed some wonderful events all of them :-)

  9. Wenwere sure thrilled for that happy win of yours too!

    1. Cheers Brian,can't wait for the next event,xx Speedy

  10. dood...yur nose two nose IZ way awesum....anda happee fry day two ewe...hope yur week oh end iz a fun one N if ya see any BURDS on yur walk...dizaprove em for uz !!

  11. Well done, Speedy Bunny! You rock! xxx

    1. Awww thanks Uncle Fleetie,you Rock too!xx Speedy

  12. Speed boat! Well son, I am so proud of you and look at you with your award, so proud are YOU! Speedy, I adore you! You look very happy in your garden and mummy takes such good care of you. Wishing you a super duper weekend!

  13. Congrats again on your Nose-to-Nose award!

  14. Wow, that is one pawsome award!!! And those are some happy days!
    We are glad he recovered from his eye surgery, we didn't know about that.
    Have a pawsome day!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

    1. they are all happy days for sure,xx Rachel and Speedy

  15. Hey Speedy, I have a question for you! I'm working on the big parade for Safety Week and One Eyed, Da Sus will be riding on a pirate float. This goes along with Susie and Sidebite's recent pirate series and you were included in one of those. She wondered if you'd like to ride on the pirate float with her. Please leave a comment for me and let me know if you'd like for me to use the pix of you from their pirate story post to enter you in the parade.
    Thanks much!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

    1. oh yes Please Sarge yes Please,I have left you a comment over at yours,xx Speedy

  16. That was indeed one happy day amongst so many others for you Speedy and the pics too :) loves Fozziemum xxx

    1. Thanks Fozziemum,looking forward to the next event,xx Rachel and Speedy

  17. YIPPY!!! Yes, happy happy happy days!!!! Well deserved indeed Speedy!!!
    Loves ya pal!
    Ruby ♥

  18. That would definitely be a huge thrill and yours was very well-deserved!

    1. Thanks,but it really is for everyone here not just us,xx Rachel

  19. It's great that there were a lot of wonderful moments. I will always remember the day, the blog paws award came over the big pond to you. YAY!

  20. Well done on winning that Nose to Nose Award, Speedy! You certainly deserved it.

  21. Sounds like you have had a bunch of good stuff going on in your little rabbit life Speedy. Well done winning that nose to nose award. That was fantastic. You all enjoy your Saturday.

  22. Happy post, happy moments and now we're happy too :) You're Pawsome, Speedy! Pawkisses :)

  23. EEowww we are bery hoppy er happy er hoppy happy fer ya Speedy n Miss Rachel. Ya both deeservea bazillion awardz fer all eyr bloggiez n pix...
    Speedy ya iz lookin fine on yer lead n yer carpettin in da garden iz pawsum!
    Haz a grrrreat weekend!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0

    1. Heheheyes my carpeting in the garden is nice, as is my walkies too love to you both Nylablue and to you Miss Sherri-Ellen,xx Speedy

  24. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
    Mes LOVES happy and joyful days and yous has sure had a few dear Speey!

  25. You have had a lot of terrific and memorable days, but that award was special.That was a pretty exciting day for our mom as well getting to accept that award for you. She felt so honored that you trusted her to do that. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. You deserve it so much!


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