Wednesday 27 May 2015

Disapproving Bun Day!

Gosh can you believe is Disapproving Bun Day already? Let me introduce you to Mr Mick my pal that I have many adventures with,He hasn't been featured for a while so lets greet His Majesty Mr Mick!
                 " Bow down to me foo' Hoomin slaves!"

Thanks to Jade his Mama for sending this in.

Now we have a little extra this week I had to add this one in as a special request...its just too fab not to!Say hello to Shoko from Canadian Cats who want's to be a Disapproving Bunny great disapproving look Shoko!

Don't forget to send in your photo's of your Disapproving Bunnies to me at [email protected]

and don't forget to hop on over to Disapproving Bun for more Disapproving Bunnies!

Sorry we haven't been around much but we have been busy with family stuff and mummy is getting the house ready for a special house guest who is coming to stay in a couple of weeks!xx Speedy


  1. Lol! Both Mr Mick and Shoko look super displeased with their humans at the moment!

  2. I wont bow to you M. Rabbit as I'm a Princess, but I have to admit that you look impressive.
    Shoko with your pink ears you ... dont really look impressive !

  3. haha..Mr Mick sure does have the disapproving look and the attitude to go with it. I like him.

    Thank you Speedy for making me a guest on your Disapproving Bunny Day. You are the bestest my friend.


  4. MOL They both look very disapproving!!

  5. Shoko appears to have had identity theft.

  6. We totally understand the BUSY stuffs.... we are here when you are able..

  7. Wow! Mr. Mick is an adorable, handsome Disapprover!

    I want to gently nose-bonk that fine lop nose!

  8. Nice to meet you Mr Mick
    Lily & Edward

  9. dood...familee stuffz furst.....hope ya enjoy yur time with yur houz guest N mick & shoko !!! R veree diz a provin...inn deed....♥♥♥

  10. Pretty hard to disapprove like The Mick, but the cat tried.

  11. Sweet Bunny plus the Cat who wants to be a Bunny made me smile! :-D

  12. Mr. Mick is a very handsome bunny. I will bow down to pet his big furry head!
    Shoko is very good at pretending to be a bunny.

  13. That is a disapproving face if ever there was one! And my friend Shoko-Bun is doing a pretty good job of the "disapproving" too!!!! HAHAHA

    Hugs, Sammy

  14. SIR MICK! YES SUH! WOW, are you one disapproving rabbit to be reckoned with! Your face, your slits for eyes......I am shaking in my boots.


  15. Mr Mick is a gorgeous bunny indeed! and as for Shoko hahaaah very nicely done Speedy..loves Fozziemum xx

  16. Ok first of all, that bunny is absolutely adorable omg!!! So cute!!! AND the kitty look paw-some in those ears!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. My furrend Shoko makes a pretty good disapproving bunny and Mr Mick is gorgeous!!!
    Don't worry Spitty, yous still my favorite bunny!

  18. MOL..Shoko is definitely disapproving... MOL :D although Mr Mick has some adorable disapproving skills too :D Pawkisses for a Good Night :) <3


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