Thursday 7 May 2015

Till we see you again Nissy!

Please play this music as you read this post

No Movie day today as we learn't some very sad news.Our friend and Pal Nerissa....Nissy to all of us who knew him has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.We all knew he was poorly but we all hoped he would be ok.So the Heavens above have a new Star shining Bright!
He had an amazing life which he shared with us all at Nerrisa's Life,with his great wit and sense of humour that he did with style and grace.He will be missed greatly by us all but mostly by his family.
I did manage to go on one adventure with him The Search For Peter!  ,  The Search for Peter part 2  ,   The Search for Peter part 3
For that I shall be truly grateful,but sad that I will never get to share in any more adventures with him!
                             Till we See you again My friend!

Please stop by Nissy's Blog Nerissa's Life and say goodbye to our old friend.


  1. We too are very sad today. :-(

  2. I believe with all my heart that this bundle of LOVE WILL BE a new star to behold. The love that is contained in these vessels of joy and potential is never wasted. My dearest friends, that song by Enya is one of my favorites, and I've used it so many times to evoke the sense of wonder in it all, in life, and in the transformation of life into light. BE BRILLIANT!

  3. We are SO VERY MUCH Sorry to hear this Sad News...

  4. We are very sad!
    Thank you for such a lovely tribute...

    Noodle and crew

  5. We are still so very sad and teary about dear Nissy.

  6. speedy, we noe nissy is veree proud ta call ewe friend N him will bee veree thanx full ta reed yur tribute post ...ewe did an awesum job !

    mouses ♥♥♥

  7. I heard about Nissy and am sorry he had to go. So sad :(

  8. I am very sad. This is a lovely tribute to Nissy, Speedy.

  9. Mee-you Speedy mee an LadyMum keep burstinn innto teeerss an meeowss over Nerissa! hee was one of mee ferst furendss to wellcome mee to thee Blogosphere so mee feelss pawfull. Mee not lose sumone befur...mee just keepss hopin Nerissa iss inn Pure Land an hiss soul iss pain free an hee iss happy...
    Mee putted his badge on mee bloggie; so mee nevurr furget mee furend!
    LadyMum has sent Nerissa'ss Mumma emailss an has cried a buckit full of teerss....
    Wee will allwayss miss Nerissa....*sighss*
    Luv you Speedy mee furend <3
    Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

  10. Very sad news. Lovely tribute.
    Sue B

  11. Mes is still sad Speedy! Mes loves your tribute to him. Mes sure hes enjoying it.
    Kisses Dear furrend
    Your Nellie Bellie

  12. Oh so sad. But it was nice to recall the fine memories!

  13. Oh noes! I am so sorry to hears about your furiend. What a handsome fella.
    What a lovely tribute to your pal. Sendin' {{{hugs}}} to you and his family
    Ruby ♥

  14. Hi Speedy......we're all very sad that Nissy has gone over the Bridge but I also know he will always be with us in spirit - he was such a BIG presence for all of us who knew him and that will never go away. Meanwhile, we'll honor him with continuing to have adventures with each other - and when we look in the night sky and see a BIG new star, we'll know he's smiling back at us!

    Hugs, Sammy

  15. We miss Nissy too...........he will never be forgotten............and we'll make a wish on that shining star in the sky we know is him that one day he'll be at the Bridge to meet each of us as we make our journey........................

    Hugs, Sammy

  16. I was so very sad to hear about Niss. We had been following his blog for a couple years now, and he was definitely on of our most favorite blogging kitties. So sad :(

  17. What sad news. So sorry to hear about Nissy.

  18. It is very sad, but I'm sure that Nissy will continue to be with us.
    And now he is free to run, over the rainbow bridge. No more pain, no more illness.
    Ronrons Speedy

  19. A very beautiful tribute to your friend.

  20. Beautiful tribute to Nissy...
    Thank you so much for coming over to meet Finn

  21. So beautifully done, Speedy and Mom Rachel including the purrfect music. This was such a great loss to all of us. Nissy was indeed special and will be truly missed even though he will be in our hearts always. MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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