Wednesday 15 June 2016

I got Mail!

A while ago before Mummy left me at the sitters to go on vacation I entered a Competition with this photo
At my friend Ludo's 8th Birthday photo competion.Well guess what I won and on the weekend all these goodies arrived in the mail.....
The Lamb Herdy teddy if for mum but the rest is all for me....Thanks Ludo for picking me as your winner these are pawsome!Now don't forget to hop on over to see Ludo and his family and say hi to them.....Sea Side Shelties....tell them I sent you!


  1. oh that looks tasty for a little rabbit :lo) and I love the little lamb... will you take it with you when you are out for next movie day?

  2. WoW! What cool stuff! Congratulations! The photo is a beautiful one. If anybunny knew how to photoshop and remove your leash, I think it would look great in a frame. :)

  3. Congratulations on your win, Speedy!

  4. That's cool stuff ! Concatulations ! Purrs

  5. Oh boy look at all that good stuff
    Lily & Edward

  6. speedy....dood...nice ta see ewe bak !!! way kewl prizes ya getted ...N joy....we noe ewe & mum will ~~~~~ conga ratz on winnin ♥♥♥

  7. Concats on winning those great prizes, Speedy!

  8. Awesome bling, S. I can see why that was a winning photo. You look especially handsome!

    Love and licks,

  9. What a pawsome prize, Speedy! Congrats!

  10. Speedy! You're a super model!! (And that is a beautiful picture of you.)


  11. Nice winning photo Speedy and what FUN prizes you got too! YAY!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. SPEEDBOAT! Good morning to ya! You and mummy are very talented and well-loved, and I can see why you'd win the contest! A bunny on a beach? OF COURSE!!!!!!

    Fun toys and that sweet toy for mummy is darling. I hope your weather is fine; we have had rain but just enough to make the gardens enchanting and lush. HUGS TO YOU!

  13. Congratulations - it's a lovely photo and a great set of prizes!

  14. The ears on that stuffie were too short to be a bun.

  15. A beautiful picture of the entire "Kingdom of Speedy" wins the prize!!!

  16. Congratulations Speedy!!! Mes knows that yous is a winer!


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