Wednesday 3 August 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Hi everyone its that time again...its time for Disapproving Bun Day! And todays Star is Coconut from @icingbunny on instagram....
That is one stern looking Bunny!I have no idea what Coconut is thinking but she is certainly strong in the force of Disapproval...

Thanks to her mum Chris for sending in her photo.

We always need photo's of Disapproving bunnies so send in your photo's to [email protected].

and for more disapproving buns hop on over to Disapproving Bun


  1. Coconut seriously looks like she means business! Somebody give her some fresh greens now! LOL

  2. WOW! That is one hard coconut to crack! BUT...she is soooo cute! Look at that mouth. She is not speaking to us....

  3. aaww - what a cutie indeed! XOXO - Bacon

  4. She's diapproving of the makeup job she had to endure to get this photo.

  5. coconut haz total lee awesum markings !!! waves two ewe gorgeouz !! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  6. What a beeuteefull bunny gurl......mee finkss mee wants to mee Coconut!!!!! Mee-yow wow!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~
    Pee S.: Our Mumma'ss sure talked a lot today didn't they??? LadyMum iss smiling an happier....fankss Aunty fur britenin mee Mumma'ss Day!!! =^,.^=

  7. Coconut sure has the look of disapprovement on her face!

  8. What she is thinking .. don't tell - I don't want to know.

  9. BOL! What a FABulous Bunny Face!!!! Hey Coconut! you are adorables!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Coconut is such a cutie! ♥ I wonder if she is thinking 'How many more of those pretend bunnies behind me will I have to compete with?!'
    (Love the collection, btw) She looks similar to my Bunny, Werther.

  11. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i think coconut mite hav bernd a kuple of holes into the wal opposit the kompyooter monitter!!! ok bye


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