Sunday 28 August 2016

Sunday Selfies Rainbow Bridge Remembrance

Today's Selfie post is a remembrance to those pets that came before me


Mummy's first Bunny a loveable tough cookie who lived with cats and a dog.He would chase strange cats out of the garden,but loved his cuddles!


This is Mummy's second Bunny he was another tough cookie,he didn't like anyone until he got to be 3 years old then he became a proper snuggle bun!

This is Smokey,Mummy's Black cat he love to join her on walks with his buddy Boots the dog!

Boots the Springer Spaniel was a fun loving puppy all of his life!

 P.S we seem to be having a problem with Commenting on some blogs .not sure where the comments are going so you might need to check the spam box.


  1. Thanks for sharing your family members from the past.

  2. Whether fur or flesh, those we love NEVER EVER leave us, do they Speedy?

    YOU are loved here and now, and always.

  3. Thumper looks just like our bunny, Lulu! She's a tough cookie, too.

    Thanks for sharing these beauties with us. May they all rest in peace.

  4. What a lovely bunch. Thanks for sharing your memories of them today.

  5. They are look like they were extra special. Thanks for sharing on this Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

  6. Beautiful family that came before Speedy and Rachael. Luvs to you :)

  7. Speedy, they all were adorable, and we know well loved. We know they will remain in Mom Rachel's heart forever. Thank you for sharing them with all of us! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. We had a "Thumper" too. Ours was brown and white and he loved our Doberman, Samantha.

  9. That was a lovely tribute to your beautiful Angels.

  10. Hope you have a nice day, Speedy!

  11. Nice to meet your angels, Speedy. Lovely pictures. Purrs

  12. It doesn't stop. Friday we lost Heather, a wonderful Scottie of the Scottie Mom.

  13. Very nice tribute to your Angels.

  14. Look like your mom has had some fine companions over the years, and has another fine one in you, Speedy my friend. Thank you for sharing these lovely memories and friends. purrs ERin

  15. A beautiful family of beautiful memories!

  16. What lovely fur babies!

    We got your comment fine, thanks :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Speedy your Angel Bunnies, Kitty and Pup are so pretty and look so very sweet. You and I are lucky we had nice Angels to pave our path
    Hugs madi your bfff

  18. What a lovely group! Our Mama thinks Caramel is especially good looking and she loves his name too :)Thanks for sharing your angels with us. We can tell they were well loved :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Oh Speedy! Your before furrends is the bestest!
    Sending your Mommy (and yous) extra purrs!

  20. Beautiful Tribute for all the precious Angels We Love you Speedy and family And lots of Hugs From Clover Jane and Lovebug <3

  21. What beautiful fur babies came before you too Speedy. We are still giggling over the first bunny that used to chase everyone else out of the yard. We never realized bunnies would do that. Such cuties - just like you.

  22. you had some beautiful babies!! I love the color of your first bunny. Such adorable babies!! (((hugs))) catchatwithcarenandcody

  23. We are happy to meet your Angels on this special day for remembering those we love and miss so much.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  24. What adorable angels! And of course you have to have a bunny named Thumper who looks a lot like mom's cat Herb. Love Dolly

  25. These are lovely memories of your angels.

  26. Those are beautiful babies. Thanks for sharing.
    Sue B

  27. Binky free Caramel an Thumper an run free Smokey an Boots inn Pure Land!!! Aunty Rachel luvvss all of youss' an shee carriess yur memoree inn her heart!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Aunty~~~
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  28. Beautiful sweet tribute and remembrance of your precious babies.

  29. Thank you for sharing your memories.

    As the World Purrs

  30. *head bowed* to remember Caramel and those who left way too soon. xoxo

  31. Hi Speedy! Thanks fur sharing your mom's memories of her beautifur pets. They are waiting fur her across the bridge and now she is so lucky to have you. You are a wonderfur bunny!
    Your furend in Vancouver,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  32. Such a lovely tribute to the beautiful animal companions who came before. Purrs and prayers of peace and comfort to you as you remember.

  33. What a wonderful tribute Speedy!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  34. Hi Speedy...I have kitty siblings that crossed over...Brittany Dawnie, Gingie Bug and Drewbie..and they're with my Granny Nancy McClamroch and loads of others!

  35. It's sad that they had to go, but they will stay forever in our hearts !

  36. Awwww thanks fur sharing your beautiful memories Speedy!


    Basil & Co xox

  37. What beautiful angels! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  38. Gorgeous little babies. You have a big heart for all sorts of animals, don't you?

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  39. Thank you for sharing your sweet bunnies and other pets with us! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  40. Thank you for sharing your Mum's angels with us Speedy.
    It is sad that you (cats, bunnies or dogs) have a life really shorter than our life.
    Douce soirée
    Nat à Chat

  41. They look fine bunnies and are lovely looking rabbits!


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