Wednesday 24 August 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Its Wednesday and that means it's time for another Disapproving Bunny!Today's Star is Pumpkin of Buns in the Sun on Facebook

I wonder what Pumpkin is thinking whatever it is it's not good for the Humans anyway!

Thanks to Mum Kelly for sending this in!

We always need photo's of Disapproving Bun so please send them in to me at [email protected]

And for more Disapproving Buns hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. Mew mew mew Pumpkin iss wunderin where thee treetss are mee betss Speddy! Aftur all bunniess do not werk fur free do they??? ;)
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  2. Looks more bored than disapproing

  3. Pumpkin does have a disapproving look today! :)

    Happy Wednesday, Speedy!

  4. Pumpkin is a cute bunny.
    Sue B

  5. Well, Pumpkin. Something is not tickling your fancy.

  6. Hi Pumpkin - you are a super duper adorable bunny!

  7. A goodly dose of disapproval right there! Thanks,

  8. I think Pumpkin thinks peeps are dumb. teeeeheeeeeeeeee

  9. Disapproving or not, Pumpkin is a super cute bun. Thanks for sharing her/him. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay thats sum verry dramatik disapprooval if i do say so myself!!! better beehayv evrywun!!! ok bye


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